Unfortunately the entry in the registry isn't there...Yes, it is needed.
It's called 'BufferingDelayInMilliSeconds' in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team MediaPortal\TsReader (and if it gets deleted TsReader will recreate it when it runs)
Unfortunately the entry in the registry isn't there...Yes, it is needed.
You have to create it yourself.
While this is true for the buffer value, it did not work for the automation key, for which I created the entry manually.If any of the registry values are not present, TsReader will create them (with default values) when it runs.
While this is true for the buffer value, it did not work for the automation key, for which I created the entry manually.If any of the registry values are not present, TsReader will create them (with default values) when it runs.
Not a big deal...
Complete set of keys is created.then delete the key.
It did get recreated. Don't know why that was not the case initially. So things work as you designed them.If that works OK, then try just deleting a value and see if it gets re-created.
Here's the first log with the adjustable tsreader. buffer time is 200msec and the rest is set to default.
I started watching tv with this settings around 14:23
And I still have hickups every couple of minutes.
Next pair of logs, buffer 500 msec this time.
Better impression but still some audio drops.
Started watching tv at 19:15 this time.