You either can set a time compensation here (e.g. if your program is 2 hours to late, then add 2 here, if it is two hours to early add -2) or modify the corresponding siteini to match your personal needed timezone..
I am ready to pull my hair out...
After 6 tries of trying to set the hours minutes (yes I checked the box to enable it) I decided to modify the xml...
Here is part of your file
I am deleting my TV database and starting over with a full channel scan and everything.
Something else seems to be happening... No matter what changes I make, nothing changes
After altering those things you need to re-import the EPG-Data to make the changes visible.
And you must not edit the WebGrab++.config.xml as you show here. The timezone is defined in the siteini file for your EPG source. In this case this is ""
Here you will find a line like this:
site {|timezone=UTC|maxdays=16.1|cultureinfo=en-US|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90|firstshow=2}
The recent timezone used here is UTC what is the worldtime. Here you can enter the conversion for your timezone, I assume it has to be "UTC - 6" or "Central Standard Time" or "CST" or similar.
I did this setup with only 3 channels listed in the channel list. <channel update="s" site="" site_id="(srvID20419)Number:2.1,SourceId:11751" xmltv_id="WBBM-DT (CBS2-HD)">WBBM-DT (CBS2-HD)</channel>
<channel update="s" site="" site_id="(srvID20419)Number:2.2,SourceId:57776" xmltv_id="DECADES">DECADES</channel>
<channel update="s" site="" site_id="(srvID20419)Number:7.1,SourceId:11877" xmltv_id="WLS-HD">WLS-HD</channel>
The XML file contains data for all 3 channels (WBBM-DT (CBS2-HD), DECADES, WLS-HD) but no time compensation.
A program line from your XML:
<programme start="20170120183000 +0000" stop="20170120210000 +0000" channel="WBBM-DT (CBS2-HD)">
and one from my XML:
<programme start="20170120065100 +0000" stop="20170120070300 +0000" channel="Schau TV">
I'm living in timezone UTC + 1 (Central Europe) and I don't need to apply any corrections. This is done by the culture setting of my Windows and/or MP2 installation (de-DE, where you would have en-US)
So the resulting tvguide-xml is completely as to be expected, assuming you don't edit the siteini file. Everything that did not work must be related to (wrong) XMLTV plugin and/or system configuration... The one channel not imported is most likely a mapping issue and the wrong time is a matter of applying a proper time compensation somehow...Can it be that your system is set to en-EN what means UK, not US and would fit to UTC +0000 as UTC is the right timezone for Great Britain.
So there is nothing EPG-Buddy can do better, I fear.