All the channel ID's has been changed since yesterday, so the mappings in the XMLTV Plugin might be wrong.
Ah that could be it. I'll check and come back to you.
Did that (before update aswell).Try to delete the TvGuide.xml (then restart the EPG Service) and check then mappings in the XMLTV PLugin.
Log entry:
2007-12-17 20:34:09.390625 [13]: plugin:xmltv importing C:\guide\tvguide.xml
2007-12-17 20:34:09.453125 [13]: xmltv import C:\guide\tvguide.xml
2007-12-17 20:34:09.718750 [13]: xmltvimport: Reading TV programs
2007-12-17 20:34:10.937500 [13]: xmltvimport: Sorting TV programs
2007-12-17 20:34:11.000000 [13]: Xmltv: imported 128 channels, 0 programs status:tvguide.xml:No programs found;
2007-12-17 20:34:11.015625 [13]: plugin:xmltv import done
2007-12-17 07:38 7903970 tvguide.xml
2007-12-10 21:03 <KAT> TvLogos
2007-08-20 18:09 22599 xmltv.dtd
Nvm, works now.