Could someone please be so kind as to write a simple step-by-step for a MP newbie with a fresh install? I know it's a lot to ask but maybe once it's done it could be included in the Wiki or manual?
About “Automatic download of TV icons”
I got my icons downloaded to C:\Guide\TvLogos\Output on the TV-server, I had to copy them from there to “C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\tv\logos” Both TV-server and clients are on Vista, maybe that’s why.
TV-server is also used as single seat from time to time, so MP is installed there too, so the folder exists, dunno why icons landed where they did?
Channels I wish for is Swedish ComHem channels PPV Sport 1-5.
Great program!! Thanks a lot. I am missing only one channel.
So if you could add the Swedish ComHem channel Barnkanalen/Kunskapskanalen witch are one channel in ComHem and not two sepparate as i your guide now.
I have just uploaded a new version of my Nordic EPG Service, that should solve your problem. During the installation you can choose to added a xslt filter to get triggered on each download.
The following Pre-Defined filters exist:
1) NRK 3 and NRK Super Merge (Called Norway)
2) Barnkanal / Kundskabs (Called Comhem)
3) TV2 Danmark Region merger.
hi after alot of failures for reasons i dont know...i actually have got the plugin to work in vista media centre..that is i can see plugin also when i click on chs i can select all the chs ive scanned in on astra 19.2..the problem i now have is, all chs are blank seems to go and try and load picture but nothing appears..i tried it on my xbox360 extender and got exactly the same..
when i go to media server and select chs after scan i also have no pictures...also hanging around in server i often get server not responding but i put that down to it perhaps being a bit buggy still.
1 do i need any codecs installed<i thought vista had codecs natively>
2 if so which do you recommend?
thansk for your grat work im nearly there i think..also i forgot i do seem to get epg showing on left although i have no pictures or sound...
thanks again..hope you can advise...
my pc is a 4.2 dual core with vista ultamate with a usb skystar2 card..
i have mytheatre running in vista fine with this setup although i have to stop the services for the mediaportal server and your tv client as it stuuters iike mad if i dont...
Hi all.. After spending something like 50 hours trying to get MP to work, first on Vista then on XP64 (i know, get a regular OS..) I finally got the TVE3 and MP to work along with the TVServer and client software for Vista MCE, i'm know facing one final obstacle, i can't get MCE to show video without massive stuttering, when i preview the channels from within the TVServer there's no problem at all, but in MCE it's another story indeed.. I've tried every available codec, and also tried to TS on an ecternal drive aswell as on a net drive (have 1000Mbit network).
When i start the app. from within MCE and choose a channel i't plays the sound but show's a kind og blue screen with som kind og waving colors, excpect it's the normal screen for playing radio?? Well if i then switch to full screen the video comes on, but look's messed up jumoing back and forth and stuttering (e.g. in the story line of a movie), i'm thinking maybe it could be something about running the server and client on the same machine, and/or in the same network, because i had some similar problems with my IIS and mail server when i changed my router and AP (The IIS server and mail server is NOT running on this PC). I would use MP instead off MCE if it supported my tuner, but i cannot make it work no where else than in TVEngine 3, maybe there's a way to get it supported in Mp asswell, when it's supported in TVE3, but i can't figure it out, i've tried Graphedit but it says there is no valid "link" or some such, when i try to connect the "boxes" ass described in the WIKI.. By the way the tuner works fine with DVBViewer an MyTheatre, and also with the software that was delivered with it, only those programs don't have the right sort off easy control via ordinary remote, that MCE and MP has, so i would really appreciate any kind of help or advice!!
I have never actually tried it on WinXP 64, so I dont know how that works out... it properly dont do that well. On my own setup I have been trying the various versions of windows (WinXP,Vista,Vista64) and have come to that conclusion that the best setup is achieved under WinXP. But still I have been able to use my plugin for Vista MCE without seeing stuttering. That dosent help you I know....
Try to go to the installation folder and look for Vista Patch 64bit and see if that solves your problem and remove to allow MediaSharing if you are trying on the XBOX 360... They have added to much exstra security layers to vista than nessasary is my opion. WinXP is much more simple, lesser configuration problems.
Best XBOX360 picture is also under WinXP, as it streams direcly from the TvServer.
I'm no longer running it on XP64 since it crashed constantly. It's running on Vista x86. I've finally succeded getting a Vista client PC to access the server (have been running both server and client on the same PC) wasn't aware that you had to name the timeshift folder in tvserver with the PC name, e.g. "\\fj-tv-PC\my videos" but when i finally figured that out i could access the server from my Vista x86 Notebook, and.... Voila!! No stuttering! Unfortunately the stutter is still here when running client and server on the same machine, it actually help, by the way to ENABLE, music and video sharing... I do belive the problem has got something to do with some kind of loopback that happens only when running the client and server on the same machine. The PC should be strong enough to handle it without stutter: AMD 64 X2 6000+ 2GB RAM, RAID 0 configured harddrive and so on.. Are anyone else running the server and client on a single similar system without stutter?? Then i'd really like to get my hands on the config files, both from TVServer and from MyTVClient!
I Have included the log files from mytvclient, have notices MS Silverlight (crap) which is not installed on my "remote" client PC, and i also remembered that there's a lot of clicking sounds, like when a browser updates, or when you click on a link in IE! This is not directly coherent with the stutters but i didn't notice these sound's from the remote client, where it didn't stutter either..