Expand TVSeries to a sister plugin? My Films? (1 Viewer)

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  • August 21, 2006
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    Cyprus Cyprus
    really really great news man

    cant wait for the screenshots

    keep up the good work


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    United States of America United States of America
    Ok, attached are some screen shots of the config screen.

    • The first screen shot is of the importer before any watch folders have been added. Obviously, no activity.
    • The second shot is just after I added a watch folder. The importer has automatically scanned for video files and is attempting to find possible matches via movie-xml.com. The green dots indicate that a very high probability match has been found. These will be automatically added to my database.
    • The third screen shot is of a match that the importer was not sure about (hence the blue dot). I have clicked the drop down list to select the correct movie. If no action were taken by me, the next time I did a full scan this file would come up again.
    • The next screen shot is of a movie that the importer failed to find a match for at all. It automatically recognized these two files were both two parts of the same movie, but it couldn't figure out the movie name. I manually launched this dialog when I realized there was no matching movie in the drop-down. This dialog allows me to enter a new search string to match the film.
    • The fifth screen shot is of the movie manager tab. There is a lot of functionality on this tab. To begin with you can modify meta-data and select a movie poster for the film (be it auto downloaded or manually added). I can also refresh the meta-data for this show from online or reassign the associated files to a different movie. If I really want to I can flag the local files to be ignored and excluded from the database.
    • The sixth screen shot is the zoomed in view of a movie's poster. If you click the magnifying glass, or just double click the movie poster, a close up view pops up like this.
    • And finally this is the advanced settings tab. The purpose of this section is similar to the "about:config" page of Firefox (try typing it in the address bar). The purpose is to expose new, experimental or rarely used settings to the user. Stuff like the number of threads for the importer, regex settings for filename filtering, max and min image size for imported cover art. Some things here can and will be found in other parts of the config screen, but this section is really meant for the power user. The multi-user support is sadly going to be psuhed back a little bit, it wont be ready in the initial release. Have to set priorities.

    So that's about it. Sorry no screen shots of the actual MediaPortal GUI. It's still a work in progress and probably will look completely different on release, so I figure I'll hold off on showing that for now. As release gets a bit closer I'll try to post some shots of the GUI though to satisfy the graphic whores. ;) The importer does of course run in the background while the GUI is launched though, so if a new file is dropped in your movies folder , it will get added, either with file system monitoring if you already have MediaPortal running in the background or on a full scan when it starts up.

    Any comments? Questions? Concerns?


    • Screenshot-a.png
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    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    Awesome! Can't wait to import my movies!

    BTW, the grid like matching of movies you do is something I've always wanted to do for series matching too, it's much more user friendly.

    Keep up the good work, and I think, come first beta, a new subforum is in place :)


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    This is looking great. I was thinking of switching my films to the internal database, just because it has become such a big workload to manage it. Also, I like the idea of the automated process, and I think that is the way to go in the future, if we want to have more people adapt the idea of a HTPC with Mediaportal.

    PS: Next time, for your own sake, post screenshots without downloaded movies in them ;)


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Looks very easy to use. Great. I know that moviexml is great for film covers, but the info is often not filled out completely, will it be possible to combine more than one script for info grabbing? Right now I'm using a combination of grabbers in MP's My Videos database.


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi fforde

    you want comments, well here's one, get this working and you'll have friends for life.

    My Movies too basic, Ant Movie Catalogue\MyFilms is OTT as far as i'm concerned, just want something along the lines of TVSeries, and this looking really good for ease of config.

    Take up PR's offer of help with skin, can see this being another winner for the users of MP :D

    Keep up the good work, and I think, come first beta, a new subforum is in place :)

    Agreed :)


    MP Donator
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  • July 8, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    This looks really great fforde !

    if possible could you have mediainfo as an option so one could se video/audio codec details in mp..

    and today the my video is so that for example i have all my movies in its own folder ex e:\movies\88.minutes\88.minutes.mkv
    and in MP i have to first enter 88.minutes catalog and then select the 88.minuts.mkv. i want it to start the movie when clicking the catalog instead of having me first entering the catalog and then clicking the .mkv. (offcourse it should only do this when there is only 1 .mkv in the directory)

    thanks again for great work !

    Looks very easy to use. Great. I know that moviexml is great for film covers, but the info is often not filled out completely, will it be possible to combine more than one script for info grabbing? Right now I'm using a combination of grabbers in MP's My Videos database.


    there is currently a script under development that grabs info from imdb and cover art from moviexml, maybe this is something that can be intergrated in fforde's plugin ?

    here the permlink for that



    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    swe_rush: Yep, that's the script I'm using. Thanks for finding the link. :D

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