Hi Tony,Hi Mylle,
Can you do the same tests with the 'Area51' TsReader.ax -> here <- (the 0_4_17a version), this is the closest 'standard' version to v45 functionallity (it has the same graph rebuilding mods etc).
The MP 1.2.1 TsReader.ax doesn't have the SD<->HD 'graph rebuild on zapping' mods (which are in MP 1.2.2), so it will be faster with RTSP and SD<->HD zapping - the mods were added because some codecs can't handle this => black screens.
0.4.17a is just as slow as v45 for me..... 5-6 second.
I noticed one thing though. As you can see in my logs i flip through the first 6 channels in my list to make the test. They all take around 5-6 seconds except the switch to "tv2 charlie". That takes only 3 seconds. Does that make sense?