Experimental TsReader development (4 Viewers)


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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Tested the latest version (mod55) in PotPlayer. Files now resume correctly instead of playing from the beginning as they do with MP v1.2.3.0 TsReader and all the other versions I've tested :)

    I've also still got your "dvbsub2_withcachelimit4mod". I was wondering has any more development has been done with dvbsub2?

    dvbsub2 will be replaced by dvbsub3 in MP 1.3.0 (to add support for Bluray subtitles, AFAIK) - I'll try and make sure the memory limit fix is included in the new version.



    Portal Member
    December 31, 2008
    dvbsub2 will be replaced by dvbsub3 in MP 1.3.0 (to add support for Bluray subtitles, AFAIK) - I'll try and make sure the memory limit fix is included in the new version.

    Thanks very much. Some nice and low limit like 10MB would be ideal. Cheers.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    I am trying out v55 based on Holzi's advice in this thread. It performs marginally better than the MP 1.2.3 native TsReader, as I didn't get a blue screen.
    However, after a bit of fast forwarding back and forth, with a couple of pauses in between, MP is now well and truly hung. Logs attached.
    Keep up the good work!


    Portal Pro
    September 8, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I still have sporadically problems with "file not exist/found". It´s so strange, because the timeshift-file exist and i can play it without any problems on a other PC.
    I never had problems with recordings and other stuff. Only Live TV me this problem. This problem also occurs with standard 1.2.3 tsreader. I have found the point with SMB caching stuff in this tread. So i will try it today evening, but i don´t believe, that that will fix this issue. Also i will try if RTSP is better than UNC.

    Maybe somebody has a real big idea, which can cause windows to don´t find the file.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I still have sporadically problems with "file not exist/found". It´s so strange, because the timeshift-file exist and i can play it without any problems on a other PC.
    I never had problems with recordings and other stuff. Only Live TV me this problem. This problem also occurs with standard 1.2.3 tsreader. I have found the point with SMB caching stuff in this tread. So i will try it today evening, but i don´t believe, that that will fix this issue. Also i will try if RTSP is better than UNC.

    Maybe somebody has a real big idea, which can cause windows to don´t find the file.

    I added some code to try and workaround the problem a few versions earlier, but it basically seems to be an issue with the new SMB2 remote file access protocol that MS introduced with Win7 - they tried to get clever with caching etc. to improve the performance, but it doesn't seem to work so well with files that are constantly changing (like the timeshift buffer files)....



    Portal Pro
    September 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I still have sporadically problems with "file not exist/found". It´s so strange, because the timeshift-file exist and i can play it without any problems on a other PC.
    I never had problems with recordings and other stuff. Only Live TV me this problem. This problem also occurs with standard 1.2.3 tsreader. I have found the point with SMB caching stuff in this tread. So i will try it today evening, but i don´t believe, that that will fix this issue. Also i will try if RTSP is better than UNC.

    Maybe somebody has a real big idea, which can cause windows to don´t find the file.

    I added some code to try and workaround the problem a few versions earlier, but it basically seems to be an issue with the new SMB2 remote file access protocol that MS introduced with Win7 - they tried to get clever with caching etc. to improve the performance, but it doesn't seem to work so well with files that are constantly changing (like the timeshift buffer files)....


    I might be wrong, but with v48 i never saw this problem. But i can test this as well. The problem is that it occurs sporadically and not every time. So Bug-Hunting is very hard and time consuming. I searched in this tread, but nobody answered, if the REG tweak changed something.

    I never used XP for Mediaportal, and until 1.2 and 1.2.1 i never saw this problem in tsreader.log
    So my feeling tells me, that the problem is not the OS .....

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