Expressions/Rules requests (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
July 14, 2009
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Australia Australia
Make sure you define your replacement strings in order from most characters to least to avoid changing Pt.III to 1x01II eg:

Pt.III -> 1x03
Pt.IV -> 1x04
Pt.IX -> 1x09
Pt.II -> 1x02
Pt.I -> 1x01
Pt.VIII -> 1x08
Pt.VII -> 1x07
Pt.VI -> 1x06
Pt.V -> 1x05


Portal Pro
October 15, 2004
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Sweden Sweden
Hello. Can someone tell me why MyTVseries won't add this file, until I put it in the Californication subfolder?
I use default expressions. I also tried renaming to Californication - S04E08.mkv, but no change.
No files parse in the folder \\servern\Film\TV
but if they are in ...\TV\Californication both file names parse.
I have pressed Reset on the Parsing expressions...
I can't find anything relating to Californication in the log files.



Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Hello. Can someone tell me why MyTVseries won't add this file, until I put it in the Californication subfolder?
    I use default expressions. I also tried renaming to Californication - S04E08.mkv, but no change.
    No files parse in the folder \\servern\Film\TV
    but if they are in ...\TV\Californication both file names parse.
    I have pressed Reset on the Parsing expressions...
    I can't find anything relating to Californication in the log files.


    It looks like you did not adjust MP-TVSeries to run in debug mode (you can adjust this in the control panel of the plugin), so I can't see what parsing expressions was actually used.

    Manually verify (or adjust), that you are using the following expression:

    ^(?:.*\\)?(?<series>[^\\]+?)[ _.\-\[]+(?:?(?<season>\d+)[ _.\-\[\]]*[ex](?<episode>\d+)|(?:\#|\-\s)(?<season>\d+)\.(?<episode>\d+))(?:[ _.+-]+(?:?\k<season>[ _.\-\[\]]*[ex](?<episode2>\d+)|(?:\#|\-\s)\k<season>\.(?<episode2>\d+))|(?:[ _.+-]*[ex+-]+(?<episode2>\d+)))*[ _.\-\[\]]*(?<title>(?![^\\].*?(?<!the)[ .(-]sample[ .)-]).*?)\.(?<ext>[^.]*)$

    And it 'should' work fine then. There was an older version that did not make the initial path conditional, so that would indeed not pick up files in the root folder. Perhaps you still are using an older plugin that does not contain the new default expression as given above, which would explain why 'reset' fails to make it work for you.


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    No more clues, or info I can give?


    Verify for sure the expression matches, because the new one I pasted to you, was never added into the public plugin yet. It only got added 2 days ago into the source via: r1399 - mptvseries - Project Hosting on Google Code

    As you can see on the DIFF page, there are only a few characters changed. Regular Expressions can look extremly alike and behave totally different. So I got a feeling you are still using the wrong one, you can wait for a new public build that contains r1399, compile yourself, or manually edit the parsing expressions and copy in the new one.

    PS: If that still fails, then the only thing I can think off is that you have database corruption. The best way to fix this is to delete your db3 file and start over, but you could try some SQL commands to attempt to fix it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi Guys,

    sorry if the following suggestion was already made.

    I discovered that TV Series try to parse every file and search for a adequate name of the series (it doing very well with the latest regex, so thumbs up for this work)

    But what about a different way to get all episodes (maybe I'm wrong and it do it already, if so then sorry)

    1. define the folder to scan (series)
    2. scan all top folder under series (and take the name as name for the series)
    3. scan all files under the series folder and sub folders
    4. only search for the pattern s01e01 (and variations of it)

    In other words. take the series folder as name for all files under the series folder (and subfolders) and search only the files for the s01e01 pattern.

    Series->Scrubs->Series 01->yxcscrubs-s01e02hdtv-x264.mkv

    PLEX is doing the same and it could improve the matches alot.

    Just an idea!

    Thank and bye


    Portal Pro
    October 15, 2004
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    PS: If that still fails, then the only thing I can think off is that you have database corruption. The best way to fix this is to delete your db3 file and start over, but you could try some SQL commands to attempt to fix it.
    Thanks for your suggestions, but even a totally blank db (plus the new parse expr) doesnt work...
    For example T:\Community.S02E17.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv
    is not found...



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    Hi Guys,

    sorry if the following suggestion was already made.

    I discovered that TV Series try to parse every file and search for a adequate name of the series (it doing very well with the latest regex, so thumbs up for this work)

    But what about a different way to get all episodes (maybe I'm wrong and it do it already, if so then sorry)

    1. define the folder to scan (series)
    2. scan all top folder under movies (and take the name as name for the serie)
    3. scan all files under the series folder and sub folders
    4. only search for the pattern s01e01 (and variations of it)

    In other words. take the series folder as name for all files under the series folder (and subfolders) and search only the files for the s01e01 pattern.

    Series->Scrubs->Series 01->yxcscrubs-s01e02hdtv-x264.mkv

    PLEX is doing the same and it could improve the matches alot.

    Just an idea!

    Thank and bye

    Hi marvman,

    unless I misunderstand what you are saying, what you want is essentially just another regex expression.
    I'm not sure what you mean by it tries to parse every file for the series name? What it does is, it hands of every (video) file (with path) to the regexes in order, its up to them to decide if its a match or not, if its not, it is disregarded at this point. If the filepath matches a regex than that regex will have returned a seriesname/season/episode number with which we do metadata lookup.

    Please give concrete examples of filenames you think would fit better. I'm pretty sure you just need a regex (and disable the rest). Are you essentially trying to lower false positives?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    PS: If that still fails, then the only thing I can think off is that you have database corruption. The best way to fix this is to delete your db3 file and start over, but you could try some SQL commands to attempt to fix it.
    Thanks for your suggestions, but even a totally blank db (plus the new parse expr) doesnt work...
    For example T:\Community.S02E17.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv
    is not found...


    It's just really weird because a large percentage of my files are in the root of one of my shares, and this has always worked for me.

    Earlier you said: \\servern\Film\TV is that what T: maps to? I have not tried with a drive foot, would be surprising if that doesnt work.
    Does it also not work if you define \\servern\Film\TV as the folder either? That kinda has to work, its is extremely similar to what my setup looks like. If it doesn't, something else is going on.

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