AW: Re: Fanart Handler Plugin v2.2.4.301
I just downloaded and tested the new version.
I just downloaded and tested the new version.
I did not recognises this issue before as I have 99,9% Backdrops for all my artists. I have try to reproduce this error with 507 but I can't. Seems to be solved.[*]If Fanarthandler does not find fanart, might be due to net loss or artist not available, it goes to sleep and does not work for the whole music section from this point on, whether webstream or artist with images which are already there. Only restart of MP helps.
This is solved as I had this issue with latest release and now it's gone.[*]Now it is so that the background is changing up to 5 times in 5 seconds before a new background stays for longer.
Did it sometimes and sometimes not. I actually only have 2 TV Series in my Recordings folder, "H2O - just add water" called "H2O Plötzlich Meerjungfrau" in German. Here it works as expected. The other one is Eureka in German called "Eureka - Die geheime Stadt". Here it doesn't work. Maybe it is as I have two episodes of H2O with creates a "Virtual Subfolder" in the list without episodes title in the name. At Eureka I only have one episode, so there's no such "Virtual Subfolder". But if I browse the two episodes of H2O with episodes title in name, there is a backdrop on highlighted episode. Hope you understand what I mean. My English is not that good if it comes to such difficult to describe issues. If necessary I can upload some screenshots.[*]Show fanart for selected tv show
Can't test that, sorry.[*]UpdatePropertiesRandom: System.InvalidOperationException