File Explorer (1 Viewer)


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    • #21
    Re : Re: File Explorer

    Hey any chance of a recompile for 1.1RC1.... The MPE1 won't start up, nor install... Really would like to get this baby back... :) Thanks
    Just tested,
    Launch it with MPIinstaller instead of MPEinstaller and, it works. ;)


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    • #23
    Re : File Explorer

    New MPEI for File Explorer 1.3 version available on first post.
    Works with latest SVN.
    A big :D to SilentException who greatly improved this plugin. :)


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    Re: Music Trivia

    Hello :)
    Talked a bit with SilentException about ID=1 had many troubles making it work properly.
    Please change this not to be 0/1, as skinners use this:
    The id of the control. The id will couple the skin file to the code, so if we later on want to check that a user pressed a button, the id will be required and must be unique. For controls that will never be referenced in the code it is safe to set it to "1"

    I've change my skin just to +1.


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    • #26
    Re : File Explorer

    Well, adding +1 can't work easyly cause, ID 5 is already used for backgroung at many place in xmls skins file.
    And I would prefer to not rewrite all xml skins.
    ID 11 will be OK for you, for the button left ?


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.319907 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: Exception :Unable to load DLL '.\Plugins\Windows\Compression.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.321908 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: site :Boolean CompressFile(System.String)
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.322908 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: source :File Explorer
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.323908 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: stacktrace: at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressFile(String file)
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressUncompress()
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.ShowMenu()
    at FileExplorer.FileExplorer.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.324908 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: exception: Unable to load DLL '.\Plugins\Windows\Compression.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) File Explorer at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressFile(String file)
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressUncompress()
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.ShowMenu()
    at FileExplorer.FileExplorer.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    2010-06-02 23:32:15.326908 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: Exception :confused:ystem.Exception: exception occured ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL '.\Plugins\Windows\Compression.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressFile(String file)
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.CompressUncompress()
    at FileExplorer.DrivesView.ShowMenu()
    at FileExplorer.FileExplorer.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.OnActionHandler.Invoke(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.DispatchThreadMessages()
    at MediaPortalApp.FrameMove()

    These dlls are copied to Y:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows\Compression

    Using 1.4


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
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    • #30
    Re : Re: File Explorer

    These dlls are copied to Y:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows\Compression

    Using 1.4
    Hi 1stdead,

    Do you mean that MPEI is correct because you have this DLL in your folder and, at the good place ?
    Can you explain a bit more in wich case (actions) you have this error, please ?
    (ie : is it for a specific file or ....)


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