File Explorer (1 Viewer)


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  • January 31, 2005
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    Re : Re: Re : File Explorer

    I managed to see where it is used. For testing I selected a large amount of files for copy.
    You are true again. :)
    I didn't look deeper enough inside code and, forget this thread/process story.
    So, File Explorer_dialog.xml is mandatory finally and, I will revert this change tonight.

    Note: the b3w skin needs a few tweaks :)
    Yes, and B3 too.
    Will also check, even if I don't like to play with theses xml skins files. ;)


    Super Moderator
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  • January 31, 2005
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    • #42
    Re : File Explorer

    Hey ltfearme,

    Do you wish your StreamedMP skin files integrated inside File Explorer plugin or, do you prefer to keep and manage theses files inside your skin ?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Re: Re : File Explorer

    Hey ltfearme,

    Do you wish your StreamedMP skin files integrated inside File Explorer plugin or, do you prefer to keep and manage theses files inside your skin ?

    Its probably best just include them as part of StreamedMP in case they get outdated. StreamedMP is pretty well maintained so will be monitoring changes closely ;)


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Is it just me or does the browse button for selecting the default left/right folder in the configuration of the plugin not work?
    I'd like to use it.

    Besides that I would also love network share access through this plugin! Would be great if it could be added.
    As a work around, I mount the shares with the "map network drive" option in windows.

    Like the plugin a lot, :D for all the efforts put into it.


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    framug, I have a little more information to provide about the issue where I see the graphical glitches when viewing a text file.

    All seems to be ok when I view a .txt or .xml file ie. files that dont prompt if you want to open with text viewer. If I try to load a file such as a mediaportal .log file then I have a problem. I hope you can reproduce.

    I retested the image issue loading Music Now Playing and its fixed in v1.5.

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