FilmInfo+ - A german movie details scraper with auto grouping (4 Viewers)


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Let me quote from tinymediaManager:
    tmdb is the biggest free moviesdatabase. It offers a lot of Metadata... in many different languages. For this it ist the first place to go for non-english users.


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Does themoviedb offer localized info? or is it more German info in English?

    If I'm right, then themoviedb and tmdb should be the same.
    I took a look and the most of the movies are available in German. Only title, summary, genres and covers are in German language, the other metadata is only available in English (tagline...). It seems to be a good source.


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    RoChess what do you think now? Is it a good idea to implement themoviedb? Filminfo sucks without genre and summary.


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  • March 10, 2006
    The big question goes back to doesn't TMDb aka themoviedb not already offer what you are after by just using that scraper-script directly?

    Reason I wrote IMDb+ was because I hated the voting/rating system from IMDb as it was not syncing up with my preference. Movies I disliked would have a higher rating than I liked, and cult movies I loved were slammed with low scores. The audience scoring combined with critic scoring averaged out to a much better result at RottenTomatoes, and I had plenty of experience assisting MovPic developers by fixing little bugs in the bundled scraper-script. So, that is when I decided to branch out, and created IMDb+RT scraper-script for myself, and shared that with others after I found out there was interest. Then a bunch of other crap got added when foreign-language users showed interest and asked for features. Hence why it is now called just IMDb+ as it was no longer RottenTomatoes that was extra.

    The main reason for my own usage and why I don't look at Plex/Emby/Kodi as a serious alternative is the customized ability to "group" movies together by renaming them, but at the time the MovPic project owner did not deem grouping a priority, and I didn't had the time or resources to fix it at C# level, so figured out how to make it work via scraper-script. Then Merlyn took that concept and my work as a basis to create FilmInfo+ for German users.

    MediaPortal 2 however has grouping support from what I understand in "MyVideos" and supports TMDb, so that is an option if the grouping is the only additional reason to use FilmInfo+. Not sure if MovPic will be ported to MePo2, and they have some other cool new features such as Picture-in-Picture.

    I've not forgotten that I plan to look into TMDb as an alternative source of data for IMDb+, because they provide the ability to map an IMDb tt-ID to their info, and that is all I need to fetch the correct movie-data inside the details-node, after has sorted out the search-node match. Just finding time is not easy with all the higher priority items I have to deal with first, and then whatever free time I got is spent trying to relax at the moment to get ready for the next workday. COVID-19 did not magically give me more time, because I worked from home before, so not much has changed :p

    Somebody can do the same with FilmInfo+, but if TMDb forces an API key that cannot be shared inside an open-sourced scraper-script, or one that is limited to each-user (such as new RT system), then crafty solutions need to be used, such as proxy based (using that for Dutch language for example), or plugin input (plan to add that to IMDb+ to get RT functional again if I cannot obtain a mass key).


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  • February 29, 2008
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    MediaPortal 2 however has grouping support from what I understand in "MyVideos" and supports TMDb
    MediaPortal 1 have grouping in "MyVideo" to, one level UserGroups, and another level Collections for movies, and support TMDB :whistle::coffee::)


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I gave themoviedb a try now. It works really fast but I have two problems. In the most cases the script doesn't scrap certification but when it does, then it is not in German.
    Is there a way to redirect the genre titles like "Liebesfilm" to "Liebe & Romantik"?
    Where can I edit the scraper-script?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    The TMDb scraper-script in Moving-Pictures is a C# based one, and not XML, due to the way TMDb works with the API key it needs.

    Feel free to make modifications to it @

    For that to become part of the public release you'll have to create a pull request.

    PS: Keep in mind that when you make modifications to not just think "this is how I want it", but to also consider how others might want it, and add advanced configuration options to adjust behavior based on preference. That's why IMDb+ ballooned so quickly because it can become a nightmare to accommodate everybody :rolleyes:

    PPS: So, pseudo code style you get something like this:

    // add genres
    if (movieDetails.Genres != null) {
       movie.Genres.AddRange(movieDetails.Genres.Select(g => g.Name).ToArray());
       if (MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FixGermanGenres) {
           // fixing Genres
           // adjust "Liebesfilm" into "Liebe & Romantik", etc.
           // might need to expose another advanced config option to allow custom replacement, seem to recall there is another option like that, so you can duplicate syntax.
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have no know-how in coding but for German users this is no option. Maybe somebody can implement the certification script from Filminfo+??? Not to blow up themoviedb but modify Filminfo+. What do others think?

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