For The Record 1.3.3 Released (5 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 26, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hey thanks for everything, giving the new skin a shot and my LCN is working great!!!!!

BUT! Um some thing weird, and I'm not the only one who has noticed this but it seems TVguide.xml is only importing 4 or 5 days... The data is 8 days and imports in all it's gloory with the traditional TV Server XMLTV plugin but for the life of me can't work out why 4TR is not doing it...

Would you like me to provide a copy of the data or what would assist... Loving 4TR as TV Server doesn't even have conflict manager or the amazing scheduler..


PS: Are there plans to import channel status settings into the skin... Thnaks

PSS: Is there a way to enable notifications like you do in TV Server aswell... I'm not warned of Live TV being interrupted by the system...


Portal Pro
June 13, 2006
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Hey thanks for everything, giving the new skin a shot and my LCN is working great!!!!!
Great! :)

BUT! Um some thing weird, and I'm not the only one who has noticed this but it seems TVguide.xml is only importing 4 or 5 days... The data is 8 days and imports in all it's gloory with the traditional TV Server XMLTV plugin but for the life of me can't work out why 4TR is not doing it...

For The Record has a very strict importer, rejecting bad data. Check the log panel in the Management Console, does it list any bad programs during import? It will also show you the total number of imported programs, which you could verify to double-check how much it's importing.

PS: Are there plans to import channel status settings into the skin... Thnaks

PSS: Is there a way to enable notifications like you do in TV Server aswell... I'm not warned of Live TV being interrupted by the system...

These items are on our (very long ;)) list of things to look at and improve. The next version (1.4) will have full radio support, a more powerful IM-Bot, teletext support,...


Portal Pro
May 26, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
My bad..... I had done a recent ghost in the last two days and forgot to re assign my tasks... God I'm such an idiot... I gotta stop jumping the gun and have a better look before I bug you guys...

About the plugin name though, just wanted it so I could change the name from "My Torrents" to just "Torrents" in my basichome screen. Thanks


Portal Pro
May 26, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hahah, sorry man so tired... oops... Um hey not to bug you again, god... Asking earlier about AND and OR commands.... Is that integrated

Am I missing some thing here... One more thing, can you use the words AND and OR in search criteria for the "Descriptiojn"... For instance I actually do want to record documentaries about "Global Warming" but due to the Bush administration we now have the word "Climate Change" to consider...

So yeah I want to have Global Warming OR Climate Change.... Thanks

Sorry, I think I should sleep some time soon :D


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi dvdfreak

Is there any way to get V1.3.3 to run in MP1.0.1 or will you have to release a new version? If it's the new version any idea when that will be? Plus will the next version include recorded TV thumbs (I see it's on the scheduled list) because I want to incorporate these into the BleazleWide skin.

Thanks again for all the work you must put into this thing!



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