An idea for further development, it would be nice if there is a possibility to assign a name to a number, so the name is displayed instead of the number.
Yes, I know. The new Fritzbox Firmware even has an internal telefone list. But since I have no documentation on this, I can't do anything about it. And I personally refuse to maintain an additional list for MP.
finally this plugins is usable for me again..... at least that's what i thought (-;
i use the powersheduler plugin and it seems like the plugin is causing a crash after resuming fomhibernation... could you try it with your setup (or someone else) to proof if it's the plugin or somehow related to my setup? i will post the log and / or the error/crash message later, i'm currently busy with installing the 0.2 release.
The Fritzbox Call Monitor for Neutrino/Enigma (DBox2) has a backwards-search of the telephone numbers over the internet.
This ist ingeniously. The numbers can automaticaly added to a telephonelist (if you want).
He are the features:
Anzeige eines Infofensters auf der Masterbox für Neutrino und Enigma (ungetestet)
Zusätzliche Anzeige auf dem LCD der Masterbox
Auflösung der MSNs als Text (z.B. Home, Büro, FAX, etc)
Welche MSNs singnalisiert werden sollen ist konfigurierbar
Rückwärtssuche und Darstellung des Namens (bei vorhandener Internetverbindung)
Eigenes Adressbuch
Unterstützung zusätzlicher DBoxen (Infofenster)
gefundene Anrufer (reverselookup über das Internet) werden ins Adressbuch übernommen.
Indicate an information window on the master box for neutrinos and Enigma (untested)
Additional announcement on the LCD of the master box.
Dissolution of the MSNs as text (e.g. Home, office, FAX, etc.).
Which MSNs to be singnalisiert is is configurable.
backwards look and representation of the name (during existing Internet connection).
Own Adressbook.
Support of additional DBoxes (information windows).
found callers (reverselookup over Internet) are transferred to the directory.