FRITZ!Box CallMonitor v0.3.3.1 (2009-06-16) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 1, 2006
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Germany Germany
Hi Chefkoch,

I have a feature request that could be probably be classified as another plugin.

I like the features you have implemented in this plugin and have been looking for the same thing that works with my freeware internet router ( It a linuxbased floppy installtion that provides a dsl router, proxy, isdn answering machine, fax, u.v.m.

The software provides a dedicated port to receive a notification when someone calls. The specification can be found here:

Let me know if this would be possible and what I could do to assist.

Thanks in advance.


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    BTW: I have a wide-screen TV and therefore need a 16:9 skin. I prefer Boilermaker's mce1280x720. Your plug-in seem to work fine with his RC for, but is not on his list of officially supported/working plug-ins (see post #315 in this thread). Would it be possible that you collaborate with Boilermaker? That would be great. :cool:

    The FritzBox plugin does not have it's own GUI elements, so it should work with all skins which support the main parts of MP. It only displays a simply GUIDialogNotify, which is used by TV (music, movie??? not sure) part, too. If there are some issues, make a screenshot and post it. I can get in contact with the skin dev then.



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  • October 5, 2004
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    Let me know if this would be possible and what I could do to assist.

    All is possible :D . The problem here is, i have never used this software before, without it is hard to test internal. So i have to get in touch with this sw which is running on linux, right? No linux installation here, but this wouldn't a prob. And i have exams for study in February, so i won't have the time in Jan/Feb to get this working.

    If i will be bored, i could be that i will try something, later. But at first i have say sorry. :(



    Portal Member
    March 1, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Let me know if this would be possible and what I could do to assist.

    All is possible :D . The problem here is, i have never used this software before, without it is hard to test internal. So i have to get in touch with this sw which is running on linux, right? No linux installation here, but this wouldn't a prob. And i have exams for study in February, so i won't have the time in Jan/Feb to get this working.

    If i will be bored, i could be that i will try something, later. But at first i have say sorry. :(


    No problem, I will live another day :)

    BTW, to run the software, linux is not required. Just configure the software on windows, create a bootdisk, boot a free PC with it and viola.

    If you do happen to get bored, I would be more than happy to give you VPN access to my machine so that you could conduct tests. In essence, a client connects to the port via telnet and enters the command "phone #1". All calls that are received on the isdn channel 1 will trigger that a text string will be sent to the listening port displaying the phone number and the corresponding phonebook entry on the server i.e.:

    "Hans Mustermann [+4962218754]"


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 6, 2006
    first of all: great work, reviving this great plugin is really appreciated.

    unfortunatly it doesnt work anymore for me, since you included the MSN-stuff. in what format should those be? i think i tried them all and none are working - maybe it has something to do with the fact that im using VoiIP? (there is a ISDN BOX wired to the FritzBox in which all the phones are plugged in..)


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    Germany Germany
    Hi smnnekho

    I changed the MSN stuff to be optional. I hope this will solve your and some other possible yet unknown ;) problems with the MSN identification. Perhaps you can pm me some log files or just the data which the FritzBox sends on incoming call.

    kind regards


    Portal Member
    September 23, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Config broken?

    Hi again,
    I just installed the latest version and get an error from MediaPortal - Setup "Unbehandelte Ausnahme" when opening the configuration dialog. I can choose "ignore" and configure, but get the same error again, when I leave the config. It is not possible to save.

    Moreover, the dialog does request a MSN and does not show a preview picture in configuration despite your notes in version history. Also MSN is still mandatory although you wrote you want to make that optional again.

    Therefore, I was wondering if you accidentally put an old or broken version on the download page.

    I'm quite sure I did not change anything else, but just replace the dll. But I know that user always say that. :)



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    no panic, please!

    will upload a new version now ;), the one where i changed the msn stuff to be optional was not reviewed until now.

    the error is caused by some svn changes.

    please wait a few minutes



    Portal Member
    September 23, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    I won't panic, except you tell me that I need to apply the latest svn. So far I stayed with the stable version and I'm not sure if I want to expose my familiy to the nightly build - or explose myself to my family's criticism like "today everything is different than yesterday and nothing works anymore". ;)

    Thanks for the fast reaction!



    Portal Pro
    November 13, 2004
    Near Bremen
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    Germany Germany
    Hello Chefkoch,

    at first i like thanks very much for your great work. i followed this topic from the beginning. some days ago i changed my old against the 7050.

    i´m using mp with the svn REV12585 (01.09.2007 - 20:04)
    with this combination all errors in configuration are gone.

    My problem is that when i call myself with my cell i don´t get a message box in mp. i checked the log-file and see that "MSN is not specified. Notify won't be shown". So please can you give me a hint with what i have to fill the MSN-Field in configuration.

    Thanks for your help.


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