Hauppage 350 45 button Remote not working with RC2 of Media (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
thotta said:
Do you know if this is apllicable for the PVR-150 card, as well? (and not only for the 350). I'm interested in updating the drivers to see if that could help, but I would like to avoid installing the wrong ones :eek:

By the way.. how do you find these drivers? This is not what is available for download on the standard hauppage support site (I find the site not too tidy :? )


Portal Member
February 7, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
I had problem with crashes when I had the Swedish version of Windows XP installed when using the remotecontroll from my PVR-150 card (in two different computers). Now I have installed the english version and it does not crash anymore.

But there is something strange with it anyway, when I go into the TV part on either start a recording, change to the TV-Guide or just try to set the TV to full screen (pretty much anything to do with the TV part of Media Portal) there is a good chance that the program just freeze. You can hear the sound but the screen is frozen.

I have to kill the process and restart the application. If I disable the remote everything is working as it should.

Now I have not tested the drivers you recommended above, I will try them and see if there is any difference. In the meantime, is this something that anyone else is having problem with.

I'm currently using the CVS from 2006-01-21 wich is the latest I can use without the computer crashing on me.


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Jorgen_CAB said:
I'm currently using the CVS from 2006-01-21 wich is the latest I can use without the computer crashing on me.
That's way to old. Use the latest you can download and all should be ok. Incl. your TV freezes. This all has been fixed the last days. Be sure to reset to default mapping after you applied the latest CVS build! (If you do not reset, your TV will still freeze!)


Portal Member
December 30, 2005
Sweden, glorious sweden!
Remote works fine with English XP but not Swedish

OK, finally I've had the time to reinstall. But before I did I read up on this thread and decided to try with the newer drivers and latest CVS. But to no avail.
I'm thinking, can't this be a problem with SQLite? I know with other database servers you have to decide on regional (?) settings when installing. So maybe there's someting there. Sadly I didn't save the error logs from that installation.

Anyway, after reinstalling with an english XP it now works.
I really don't need a swedish xp, but others out there may still.


New Member
February 10, 2006
yeah! I got it working, too :lol:
Upgrading the drivers and install cvs version (I used cvs from 02-13-2006) did the trick.
I'm using windows MCE, and I really struggeled to make it work. Installing the hauppauge drivers partly failed, by following the isntructions on the driver site. However, by installing the standalone driver (not the web cd distribution) and then installing the software from web cd distribution solved my problems.

Now, I'm just glad it works... thanks :D

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