Bavarian. Your little Helper makes it very easy to create the .xml file. Hope you will get a lot of emails the next days.
You´ve got one from me for Germany - Stuttgart - Kabel BW with full and up-to-date TV and Radio.
Frequenties for Belgium -> Beernem -> Telenet send !
Great tool, made the xml file before but was a lot of work and it never got included. It would be great if there was a button in the tv channel editor of mp configuration.
A xml file could be made and an email would be opend with the adres filled in so the user only needs to klik send and fill in there place, provicer, etc.
Or just include this exe file in the root of every mp installation.
Although this might be a little obvious I though I would point it out.
At present in the UK we have Analogue and Digital. Digital being on cable and satellite.
The analogue channels are on different frequencies depending on what mast you have your antenni pointing too so for example the 4 analogue terrestrial channels I tune too differ to my friend 1 mile up the road who point to a different mast! For the UK you could have thousands of different frequencies as they are not just based on city and provider!
This is only a minor issue until analogue is switched off in a couple of years!