HELP US: Testing the new filter (3 Viewers)

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  • February 16, 2005
    the general concensus is that if you are using MP in Single Seat mode (IE, TV server on the same machine as MP) then the new TS reader will be perfect for you.
    If you have a multi seat set up, then the clients on other machines may have the issues that are posted here.


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    It would be good if one could manually skip to later parts of the recording in one click to save fast-forwarding.


    Ah but you can :) use the arrow keys of the left/right buttons on a remote. Press right once and you'll see +15 seconds appear in the top right corner of the screen; press it quickly again and that will change to +30 then to 1min then to 3 min then to 5 then to 10 and so on. once you've got the length of time you want to skip forward don't press anything with-in a second or so it will jump forward that amount :)

    The other way is just to enter the number of minuets you want to go to on the keypad.


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  • February 16, 2007
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    "18-09-2007 15:19:04 vid:compensation:9084.444"

    I guess thats the cause. I did see that multiple times when I was working with the seeking speed up (without any of the actual speed up code enabled) but I wasn't able to find the reason for that. Somehow the TsReader thinks that video stream needs to be compensated a quite big value (normaly it's just under 1).

    Maybe Frodo would have more specific knowledge on this issue as I'm pretty much out of ideas.

    Thanx tourettes.

    After using the plugin from 15881 in primetime watching tv, I have to say that the problem is also noticeable with this version. But it seems not occur as often as with the 15898... but maybe that is just a fluke.

    I use the tsreader from 15769 now which does work pretty well (except the skipping speed ;)).

    This problem occurs really often with the newer SVN's. So I'm actually caught with the older tsreader...
    I hope Frodo founds some time to look at it.



    Portal Pro
    February 13, 2007
    Thanks guys, I do use single seat set-up.

    I'll give this a try. So all I need to do is create a file called "useTsReader.txt" under C:\ and then disable the client plugin options as per Frodo's instructions.

    Seems easy. Is there any way of confirming that the change has been made?

    Thanks for the advice about skipping to points in the recording. Goes to show, if there's a problem, it's normally my ignorance!


    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    when using tsreader i cannot use ffdshow as a codec for mpeg .ts playback (i.e. livetv). i can select it in the setup, but the graph will always refuse to connect to it, and load MPV instead. in graphedit i see the codec, but when trying to manually connect the tsreader video output to the video input, it fails.

    i tried PowerDVD codec too, same problem. dscaler does work, but messes up aspect ratio rather badly.

    edit: while i'm at it, i noticed that in BaseTSReaderPlayer.Play(string strFile) there are a few Log.Info statements starting their arguments with {1} instead of {0}, so they will never appear in the logfile.

    HRESULT CVideoPin::CheckConnect(IPin *pReceivePin)

    That method is not accepting connection the the ffdshow filter. Maybe Frodo has found out that it's not playing nicely with the TsReader (or has somee other issue). But it has been disabled by purpose.
    Anyone has some news about this? Anyone can use ffdshow as video decoder with this filter?

    Remember to use graphedit to be sure MediaPortal is actually using ffdshow... In my case, I select ffdshow as video filter, but MediaPortal connects next (in merit) mpeg2 video filter available with no error message. If you don't use graphedit + "connect to remote graph" you don't see it.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Hi tourettes

    After using the the filter from 15975 during prime time yesterday, I can say that the reliability is back on the level before 15881.

    But I still run into this bug randomly... It simply does not appear that often anymore...
    I'm sure that there was an older version of the filter that was more reliable at this point, but I have to spend some more time to find out which one ;)

    Because of the reason that the bug does appear only randomly now, it had become a bit harder to decide if a version is affected or not.

    Please find attached a new log (it is most likely telling the same thing ;))


    PS: I have seen that there is a new filter version that comes with SVN >=15986. I will test it this evening :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Hi tourettes.

    I have found some time to test SVN 15944.

    My results are not as good is with the previous version. Much more freezes and sometime missing audio.

    Unfortunately the tsreader.log seems to be deleted if I have to use TV ON/OFF so I have just a lock of the latest freeze.

    The channel change was at 19:01.

    I hope your or Frodo will be able to fix this issue :)



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Every one having issues please make sure you have followed the following instruction:

    Please disable all options in the tv plugin setup like
    - prefer ac3
    - recreate graph when video changes
    - recreate graph when audio changes
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