Oh no. That's not good news. It looks like this is going to be complicated.
OnlineVideos won't let us record, so that isn't going to work on this occasion, but I do like the information you have given on Online Videos because I have tried and failed to understand the wiki on that. I will remember this for future use.
In the meantime...
Oh no. That's not good news. It looks like this is going to be complicated.
OnlineVideos won't let us record, so that isn't going...
Good evening!
I am trying to set up a TV channel in the TV server to show my live stream from a local camera. I am clearly doing...
A Spotify account (free or premium) I've not tested with a free account, but according to spotify it should work.
Spotify desktop app installed on same computer as you are going to use with MediaPortal
Getting ready
Create an app at spotify, use this link: Dashboard | Spotify for Developers, you have to login.
A Spotify account (free or premium) I've not tested with a free account, but according to spotify it should work...
A Spotify account (free or premium) I've not tested with a free account, but according to spotify it should work...