HTPCInfo plugin v1.15.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (3 Viewers)


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  • April 19, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0


    Am I doing something wrong this screen is from my laptop running MP 1.1.0?
    I added the TV dll's to get rid of the invalid message. Thanks!
    I am not worried about the +12 and fan I will get that going.


    Hi stdly,
    as I see in your first post, the skin files works correctly on your PC, but not on your Laptop. Because of this, please check your Speedfan configuration (see screenshot) and HTPCInfo diagnostic tool, if fan speed and voltage are reported correctly from Speedfan. If yes, please post your mediaportal logs here.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    First off thanks for your replies!
    Yes this is working as you can see. That is why I think I am missing something simple maybe.
    Like I said before I have read most of this post WMI turned on I have edited the reg.



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Hi stdly,
    as you can see in your Speedfan screenshot, your laptop chipset does not support sensors for voltage and fans, only for temperatures. Please take a look here to see a Speedfan window on a full supported system. Sorry for bad news.
    If you would like replace the placeholders inside your skin, please edit your HTPCInfo xml-files and remove all entries like "#HTPCInfo.SensorFan" and #HTPCInfo.SensorVoltage".

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    MP Donator
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  • April 19, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Hi stdly,
    as you can see in your Speedfan screenshot, your laptop chipset does not support sensors for voltage and fans, only for temperatures. Please take a look here to see a Speedfan window on a full supported system. Sorry for bad news.
    If you would like replace the placeholders inside your skin, please edit your HTPCInfo xml-files and remove all entries like "#HTPCInfo.SensorFan" and #HTPCInfo.SensorVoltage".

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Thanks for your answer.
    I just use my laptop for testing and skin work. I installed your plugin on the laptop just to test because I was having trouble with HTPCInfo on my main HTPC running MP 1.0.2. I am not too worried about it you said you were doing some work on that side to get it working.
    I can wait or I might just install 1.1.0 on my main I will ghost the drive first on my spare HD.
    Ya the skin edit is easy I have hacked up Bleazle's skin allot in the last year and I have read your pdf many times. It is very well done. :D
    Now to learn how to code! :confused:

    It does show my CPU usage and that is what I was trying to get going? I was also trying to get memory usage and uptime.



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Language files for HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.0

    Dear community,
    for the upcoming version of HTPCInfo I've made a lot of changes regarding language files. To publish good translations I need support from native speakers. It was very helpful, if users of this plugin has the chance to check the attached files for translation errors. For a reference, please use the english or german translation.

    elapse: Sorry, the greek translation file was destroyed, after saving the file was not readable anymore. Could you please help me here?

    Thx in advance and cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    August 9, 2007
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    Italy Italy
    Re: Language files for HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.0

    Hi, there is the italian translation, revised.

    Let me know if you need anything else..


    • strings_it.xml
      30.6 KB


    Portal Member
    January 12, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Here's the swedish translation, and I attached an updated english one, there were atleast two errors.


    • strings_sv.xml
      30.6 KB
    • strings_en.xml
      30.6 KB


    Portal Member
    May 13, 2009
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    When I install this plugin from the installers or the zip-file attached in post #1, there is no skin support for StreamedMP or anything else than the original MP skin for that matter. When I open HTPC Info from the MP menu, I get an error message.

    How can I get skin support for StreamedMP easily?


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    When I install this plugin from the installers or the zip-file attached in post #1, there is no skin support for StreamedMP or anything else than the original MP skin for that matter. When I open HTPC Info from the MP menu, I get an error message.

    How can I get skin support for StreamedMP easily?

    Ask in the StreamedMP thread ;)


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    When I install this plugin from the installers or the zip-file attached in post #1, there is no skin support for StreamedMP or anything else than the original MP skin for that matter. When I open HTPC Info from the MP menu, I get an error message.

    How can I get skin support for StreamedMP easily?

    Ever tried out the search tool? Or as catavolt said ask in the skin thread, but skinfiles for streamedmp are made available (by me) in this thread too.


    Portal Member
    May 13, 2009
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Yeah, well.. according to the first page of this thread, HTPCInfo has support for StreamedMP. I figured it meant that you could install HTPCInfo, select "StreamedMP support" in the install dialogue and it would work. That wasn't the case. I now understand that I have to spend some time finding the needed files. That's fine - but it's not the impression you get from the first page of this thread and the install dialogue for the plugin.

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