[Approved] IMDB.com (default info grabber) (1 Viewer)


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  • May 7, 2008
    FlashFXP Development Team
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    I made some changes to the script:
    1. Added partial match handling. As a side effect you'll get more matches even when there are exact matches.
    2. Added HTML entity decoding in various places.
    3. Removed direct-to-video (V) releases from exclude list.
    4. Added removal of commas from votes, as they are interpreted as decimal points in some countries.
    5. Added removal of pipe character from the end of taglines and plot outlines.

    Hi Pirppuli,

    Just for your info, there has been an improvement with the scan, but I am still getting many conflicts and a few titles that will not show up.

    At this stage, I have gotten around it by searching in IMDB then writing the tt00.... number into the search.

    Here are a few examples

    1) "All The King's Men" - Will not find at all
    2) "10 Items or less" - Only finds if you put in "items less"
    3) A bunch of movies with a second or third part are being displayed as the original. Ie. Die Hard 1, 2 ... Lethal Weapon 1,2
    4) "Police Academy 2" - Wont find at all
    5) I am getting a bunch of movies found, then CD2 is listed in the confilicts area. Let me know if you need specific examples

    I am not sure how much of this you can fix, without changes made to the core.

    Thanks again...


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    latest file, should be available via update in mpconfig again, sorry for the delay, we had login issues to our servers ;)

    also update version history in first post

    Would be nice, if anyone could verify, that everything is fine using the update.



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  • May 7, 2008
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    I am still getting issues as stated above.

    Movies not being found, movies displaying twice in the confict screen (ie. CD1 & CD2) and movies with multiple parts being identified incorrectly.


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    I am still getting issues as stated above.

    Movies not being found, movies displaying twice in the confict screen (ie. CD1 & CD2) and movies with multiple parts being identified incorrectly.

    Sorry, I did not change anything at the script itself. I only update the file, which is retrieved by pressing update in mpconfig, with the one attached few posts ago, because the one before was outdated.

    hopefully someone is able to fix your issues

    best regards


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Hi Chefkoch, is the one that gets installed also updated in 1.0.1 SVN? It will save people clicking on the update button once they install.


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  • May 7, 2008
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    I have made a zip file with all of my avi files inside it. If you extract this to a directory and do a scan using your script you will see the errors & conflicts I am getting.

    I knew there was a way to show you!



    • Movies.zip
      30.6 KB
    • movies.txt
      30.6 KB


    Portal Member
    August 15, 2005

    is it possible to edit script to just look at the current folder name as "Movie title", not using the actual file name at all?
    How do I define "strSearch" to be = folder name?

    Any tips?

    Kind regards,


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  • July 19, 2008
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    Here are a few examples

    1) "All The King's Men" - Will not find at all
    2) "10 Items or less" - Only finds if you put in "items less"
    3) A bunch of movies with a second or third part are being displayed as the original. Ie. Die Hard 1, 2 ... Lethal Weapon 1,2
    4) "Police Academy 2" - Wont find at all
    5) I am getting a bunch of movies found, then CD2 is listed in the confilicts area. Let me know if you need specific examples

    There seemed to be a problem in some cases where the first exact match was not grabbed for some reason. Most of the times when people have problems with getting the correct matches for their movies seem to be related to MP dropping all non-alphanumeric characters from the movie title string. The original script only grabbed popular and exact matches.

    I previously changed the script so that it would also grab partial matches in the second case. Apparently, even this was not enough. I don't think it's even possible to get near a bullet-proof solution as long as the MP core only provides a stripped-down version of the movie title (someone correct me if I'm wrong). With this - and the fact that users probably tolerate getting more results better than having to type in movie details manually - in mind, I made a greatly simplified, leaner version of the script. Basically, it just lists every movie (plus aka titles) you see when you do a title search on IMDB.com, including approximate matches. The number of titles returned is only limited by the Limit setting in MP Configuration for the grabber. Non-movie matches are still filtered out. This version should address your problems 1, 2 and 4.

    I also changed the script so that it uses a locale-specific decimal separator in ratings instead of always changing points (.) to commas (,).

    This may well be my final iteration of the script, as I'm giving serious thought trying out the Moving Pictures plugin. Personally (having previously used Meedio), I would love to be able to
    • use folder names for movie titles
    • use local folder.jpg's instead of having to rely on the grabber to get a decent poster image.


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  • May 7, 2008
    FlashFXP Development Team
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    Thank you for the update and consideration... I am trying help in the improvement of the core MP grabbing system & also GUI. Your efforts thus far have been appreciated.

    Please try out the Moving Pictures plugin and see the method they use, it is amazing. So much nicer on the eye, easier to resolve conflicts and a much higher hit/sucess rate in finding movies.

    Give it a go and let me knwo what you think. We may be able to get the developer of Moving Pictures to work with the MP Dev's one day and it would be perfect :D

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