IMDb+ Plugin with IMDb+ Scraper v4.9.41 (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 31, 2010
I just did an update of every film, but the IMDb250 did not work. Is it broke again?

Is it possible to use the earliest release date (or e.g. US) rather than the one in my country?
They can be quite different sometimes.

I also still get lots of Norwegian titles. Haven't worked properly here in a long time.
Now I just use an american VPN to solve this. Not ideal, but works at least.


Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Scraper script v4.9.39 released

    - Fixed IMDb Top 250 custom category

    Thanks @ninjatobben for reporting.

    Regarding your issue; the American VPN indeed works fine in fooling IMDb to turn their crazy system off, but I much rather like to see the custom HTML code that they send to Norwegian users, so that I have more insight into finding a proper solution. In order to do that, you need to enable Debug log verbosity in MediaPortal config, enable scraper-debug setting in MovPic config, and adjust IMDb+ configuration XML file to add HTML sources to the log file. Then you need to have MovPic config open, wait for all the background tasks to complete, delete all the log files and then import 'ONE' of the movies that you know fails. The resulting log file should be 1MB+ type of range, which you can then zip up and attach to reply on here.

    Or keep using the VPN, it is not like I'm thirsty for more work :D


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2010
    Sorry for the late reply. Yes it would be appreciated if I could stop using a VPN.
    I turned on all the options you said and attached the log. This movie will not even be found without me adding the iMDB id manually.


      86.6 KB


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Sorry for the late reply. Yes it would be appreciated if I could stop using a VPN.
    I turned on all the options you said and attached the log. This movie will not even be found without me adding the iMDB id manually.

    Can not just go by a single movie, so you would have to verify a ton of them for me, but the following is the only part inside the HTML source that I might be able to use to detect that IMDb is giving translated/localized titles:


    The same "Scent of a Woman" entry gives me "US" for that one.

    If you are able to help me verify that this is consistent, then I will be able to fix IMDb+ finally to make it work. Find English movies that do not get translated for you and tell me if it says "NO" or "US" for you then. The same with foreign movies (Asian, Dutch, German, French, etc), with examples on localized/translated titles, as well as ones that show as-is for you.

    Then I would simply look for "US" at that location and use IMDb+ the way it works now, and if it shows anything else, such as "NO", to use the "(Original Title)" as English instead.

    PS: Scanned about 100 movies myself just now, and even on non-English titles, such as it still shows "US" for me, so that gives me hope this might actually work. You just need to confirm it on as many movies as possible, because I do not want to be wasting time going down this path again (thought for sure I tried something on this before).


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2010
    I tried 10 movies now and they all showed "NO" twice. Once for "title" and once for "title_subpage". Even the movies that do get translated show that.
    The translated movies does not seem to have a Norwegian title when I go to the "also known as" page on iMDB. So maybe the US title is just default when it's missing.

    Do you need me to check more movies or is that sufficient info?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Yes, US title is default when localized title is missing. The problem is that doesn't tell me "Movie title shown" = Norwegian localized, and "(Original Title used)" = English. It could very well be English + Original Chinese title, or "Foreign title not translated", or "English title" as-is.

    The problem is that this causes dozens of different outcomes, and I need to come up with a way to figure out if the Title is English, if the "(Original Title)" is the actual correct English, or if I need to use the AKA page to try to locate an English title.

    For USA users I do this by looking at the "Title", and if the country listed is one where they speak English (US, Canada, etc), and the language specified is English, then the movie title must be English, so I use the title "as-is". Any "(Original Title)" is then going to be foreign and I'll use it without knowing what language it is. If the title check fails, then I fall back on the AKA page and go down the list of accepted English alternatives.

    For non-USA users this system totally fails, so need to figure out a way to fix identification.

    If the "generic.monitoring.set_twilight_info" title part is always set to "NO" for you (have to go by *not* "US" to support other countries as well), then it would not work. There is no way for me to know what titles are translated, which ones are foreign to your language, and which ones are used as-is from their original language. Was hoping that the non translated movies would show "US" for you.

    What I can however do is look at:
    1. if "US" not found inside HTML for "generic.monitoring.set_twilight_info"
    2. use alternative RegExp to look for "Title" + "(Orginal Title)"
    3. if only "Title" found use as-is, otherwise force "(Orginal Title)" to be the English title.
    Can you confirm that would work?

    Is the AKA page even needed, or does an English title always show for you under "(Original Title)" (check like Asian/French/etc movies)?


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2010
    Yes something like that seems like it could work, except "(Original Title)" would not be the English one for foreign films.
    • Every movie I have checked so far had "generic.monitoring.set_twilight_info" set to "NO"
    • The "(Original title)" for Foreign films is not the English title, it's the actual original title.
    • It seems some foreign movies have "(Original title)" and some not. The ones I checked that did not have it was not translated though so they were fine.
    • Movies that have been translated to Norwegian have "(Original title)". Seems like you can use this for the English title for English movies and the original title for foreign movies that have been translated
    For Foreign titles I like to use the English title after the original, e.g. "Ayneh (The Mirror)". Would you be able to find the English title from the AKA page without any "Original Title" showing up in the html?

    Would it also be possible to use the earliest release date from the release info page? Movies that haven't been released here yet has a date in the future.

    I may not have explained it that well or maybe even something wrong. I have attached a file with several logs in folders which indicate what happened to the title. Maybe you can make sense of it better :)


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    I was able to confirm what you said with @HomeY's help, but seeing as he is in the Netherlands, it helps to confirm things are the same for Norway.

    If all goes according to plan I will be make it work exactly the way it works for you on a US VPN/Proxy, including the original foreign title, but now it is a matter of finding the time to do so. It is Thanksgiving here tomorrow, and I'm probably going to be forced to participate in the festivities.

    At least I know what to do now, so I can plan for it easier, and this method will not require me to rewrite the IMDb+ plugin, which is a task I do not look forward to (since IMDb+ works fine for me as-is).

    Will let you know as soon as I got more...


    MP Donator
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  • April 4, 2011
    I can't get localized swedish titles anymore. Moving Pictures starts out with a match on a swedish title but at the end it swaps title to english. I never had any problems like this before. Looks like it's got something to do with "UPDATE: Title='48 Hrs.', Provider='IMDb+', Version=4.9.40, Result=SUCCESS " in attached logfile. Anybody got any clues?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    @pontusson, IMDb+ is designed to always give English titles, so it is doing what it should be doing.

    Ok, so looking at your logs you have it properly configured to use the Swedish code section as per:

    12-Mar-2015 20:11:37 Info [ ScraperNode]: IMDb+ Scraper: Swedish ( used for some data on: tt0083511

    But I would need to see the scraper-debug enabled logs to find out why it is failing then. Let me first see if I can reproduce it with my test code.

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