IRTRANS : low brightness / contrast when MP start (and after) --> no more fixed .... (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 22, 2007
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Damn... :(

Have you send a PM to Cybermage? I not understand why this fix is not included in the new release because everybody say that this fix is stable and work very good.

Please cybermage... Help us

I'll remove the "fixed" on this thread


Portal Member
October 22, 2007
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
I've seen that now there is a dedicated plugin from cybermage called "cyberdisplay". But since the release of February ( or something else) the problem is also no more fixed...

The best thing is to post or directely PM cybermage... :rolleyes:


Portal Pro
May 17, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
The latest version of CybrDisplay plugin does not seem to work with IRTrans displays, you need to use an earlier version - download the earlier version of CybrDisplay plugin from this post. I've brought this issue up a number of times, but have received no word on why it no longer works in the later versions or if it'll ever be fixed in the later versions.

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