Sorry for the late reply, I through (throwed?) my keyboard out the window. Trouble is i need my MP machine since i through my vcr out the window too. I could'nt find my toy panda to knock around.
Sorry about the streaming remark. I meant streaming live TV. This stupid peace of software handles streaming too. I have most of mye files stored on another pc, linked with gb lan. It's anoying how everything works, Ive been forced to rely on linux for my tinkering needs. It' just annoying enough that I only throw the keyboard out and not the pc.
Enough fun :wink:
Seriosly these threads have some interesting discussions. And being one of the silent happy(psycotic angry) users of mp, i'm rearly heard from. If something don't work, usally a cvs or two later and it does. Problem for the devs is that all the bugs, problem posts can be a bit disheartening. But as an earlier poster said, happy people don't post as much on bug report forums.
As for the bugs in mp, the last line in my last post gives my take on the matter.
translated from angry to happy it means:
Rc4 has been working with out a crash since I installed it! Meaning that what the devs say they are doing, they are doing, and what they are doing is working... :wink:
Sorry about the streaming remark. I meant streaming live TV. This stupid peace of software handles streaming too. I have most of mye files stored on another pc, linked with gb lan. It's anoying how everything works, Ive been forced to rely on linux for my tinkering needs. It' just annoying enough that I only throw the keyboard out and not the pc.
Enough fun :wink:
Seriosly these threads have some interesting discussions. And being one of the silent happy(psycotic angry) users of mp, i'm rearly heard from. If something don't work, usally a cvs or two later and it does. Problem for the devs is that all the bugs, problem posts can be a bit disheartening. But as an earlier poster said, happy people don't post as much on bug report forums.
As for the bugs in mp, the last line in my last post gives my take on the matter.
translated from angry to happy it means:
Rc4 has been working with out a crash since I installed it! Meaning that what the devs say they are doing, they are doing, and what they are doing is working... :wink: