JoeDalton said:**EDIT**
You could try to run the program in this zip file: and see whether it detects your display. If it does than I can use the API provided with it.
Did you try the iMON display type? I found on the net that the iMON has a Samsung 16T202DA1E controller. That controller is HD44780 compatible AND iMONs are connected by USB.
No the application says USB Device not found ....
Also the iMon display type is not displaying anything.
I've got an idea though: the app delivered with my VFD (Multimedia Control Center) controls the VFD through the virtual COM3 port. Do you know of any way of sniffing traffic on a COM port ? This way we could reverse engineer the kind of info the serial to USB chip is expecting.
I also found this info on the FTDI site, maybe it is relevant to you, don't know ...
Best regards,