LCD plugin supporting more than 70 display types (now with full graphics support!!!) (1 Viewer)

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Portal Member
September 20, 2004
Hi Joe,

I have installed your version 15b and in the configuration I choosed SED133x USB and 2 * 20 (and some other formats), but ther was nothing on the LCD.
I tried the Option show property browser, but even the browser is not there.

Your Testprogramm is still working.



Portal Member
September 19, 2004
JoeDalton said:
mfo said:
I was able to make a capture of all the trafic sent to the virtual COM3 port by the MMC application (delivered with the VFD). You'll see in the trace the initialization, the sending of various screens (both ascii chars and graphics) and the shutdown of the app.

I also had another idea. The LCD Driver 3.7 plugin for Girder is able to control my VFD through the vlsyslis.dll. Maybe your plugin could do the same like it does for the iMon with the SG_VFD.dll.
The LCD Driver can be downloaded here:
Now that is THE example of a very helpfull post :D :D

I didn't know about the Girder LCDriver plugin. It seems to be open-source hat the LCDriver plugin for girder is open-source, so when looking at the sources together with your log I have all the information I need to build-in support.

I'll have to check, but maybe it is easier for me to use the same API girder is using to communicate with this DLL and I'll have the whole bunch of displays supported in one go.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction...


Hi Joe,

reading this brings up another idea for my SASEM USB VFD used in some Dign/Dvine/Ahanix cases before they invented iMON USB displays. Remember, I plugged the display directly to parallel instead of the converter board?

There´s a plugin for girder, too, called OnAir.dll. With this dll and LCD32 girder can show messages even on this display like using sg_vfd.dll.

Maybe it´s possible using that without the need for others to rewired back to parallel. But as I said, it´s a little bit slow and flashy. Perhaps also a timing problem?



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  • February 23, 2005
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    Recommended LCD or VFD Display to use with MediaPortal?

    Judging by the replies in this thread, it looks like there is a large choice of LCDs and VFDs that could be used with MediaPortal and JoeDalton's plugin.

    I want to add an LCD or VFD to my MediaPortal PC, and I am seeking recommendations on the best ones available? :?

    My only requirements is that is should enable me to play songs without turning my main display (a projector) on, and it should be reasonably priced. I don't have any restrictions on size, as I can modify my PC case to accomodate the display. I am also very experienced with electronics, so I am happy to construct a display from components, if that is an option?

    All suggestions or recommendations are welcome...... :D



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  • February 1, 2005
    Stuttgart, Germany
    Hi JoeDalton,
    I've just installed your plugin and I have to say that I'm really happy :)
    Everything is working well... I've a LC03V-B case with the HD44780 display.
    I just have a couple of questions:
    1. when I am in myHome, I'd like to display the selected item in the menu, but I'm to able to! If I try to use "#selecteditem" nothing is coming out
    2. when playing an mp3, the right info are displayed, but only if in myMusic; as soon as I go back in myHome, and the music goes on, the default values are displayed (mp & time).
    This might not be so important with mp3, but when playing CDs, nothing appears until I go in myMusic!
    As I undestood from your config file, the plugin is working with the windows ids (am I wrong?); but this means that I cannot get info on some items if I am not in the window where those items are defined, am I right?
    Thanks a lot for your plugin and your time :)


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  • September 27, 2004
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    Sorry I didn't reply sooner guys, but I'm having some serious computer problem at the moment. Bluescreen while booting with "HAL.DLL is missing or corrupt" seemed to be the first of a long list of errors I needed to solve.

    System is up and running again, although I still need to reinstall some program, so I'll answer you one by one between reboots and installations.

    Please have some patience...



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  • September 27, 2004
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    Thomas said:
    I have installed your version 15b and in the configuration I choosed SED133x USB and 2 * 20 (and some other formats), but ther was nothing on the LCD.
    I tried the Option show property browser, but even the browser is not there.
    if even the browser is not there, I think my plugin has crashed. See mediaportal.log file in log folder. Maybe there's an error message there that explains what failed.

    I'll release a new test program soon that also supports SED133x USB but uses the LCDHype drivers. If that also works OK, I'll rework my plugin so that it can use all LCDHype drivers. I only intend to keep my own driver code for display controllers that LCDHype doesn't support.

    LCD Test program that supports HD44780 (lpt), T6963c (lpt) & SED133x (usb) is online. Download it here:

    :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: Please everybody test this!!! The following version of my plugin will use the same mechanism to communicate with your display, so if it doesn't work for you it is better to know now...



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    Re: Recommended LCD or VFD Display to use with MediaPortal?

    Taipan said:
    I am seeking recommendations on the best ones available? :?

    My only requirements is that is should enable me to play songs without turning my main display (a projector) on, and it should be reasonably priced. I don't have any restrictions on size, as I can modify my PC case to accomodate the display. I am also very experienced with electronics, so I am happy to construct a display from components, if that is an option?

    I advise you to buy an LCD with a parallel interface and a controller that is supported by many LCD tools (like LCDHype, LCDSmartie, etc...) as this will make it easier to find software that supports your plugin. My plugin can control some graphical LCDs, but it doesn't support graphics yet (only text mode).

    At this moment it is not possible to navigate trough MP with my plugin alone, but I'm looking for a solution for that. I am not able to determine what menu option is highlighted yet, as the MP menu's dont seem to set the #selecteditem property.



    Portal Member
    September 19, 2004
    new lcdtest still doing fine. HD44780/HD47780, both lines, all columns on my SASEM USB(parallel)/VFD(Samsung) IR combo.



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  • September 27, 2004
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    Re: LCD plugin for HD44780, T6963C & iMON

    Jean-Max said:
    Hello JoeDalton,
    Does your last version will keep always this same link ? - Thanks :)
    (I am actually gathering the M-P plugins for the french M-P forum)


    I think it is better to link to the first message in this topic for now...
    I'm planning to create me a nice website to host all my stuff I want to share with others, so I'm not sure the link will stay the same in the future.

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