[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (1 Viewer)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    daWooky, have you tried resetting your madVR settings or are you with a 'known good' config?
    have thought the same, no change

    pls take a look at your memory in gpu-z or madtrayicon when 5+ streams changed

    When it happen, does madtrayicon get many MediaPortal instance when doing the right clic on it ?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    ;) keep it up, already some great stuff (y)

    log from that blackscreen client

    I can see in log :
    [2016-04-17 19:04:28,681] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: OnVideoFormatChanged - streamtype=H264 resolution=1280x720 aspect ratio=16:9 bitrate=0 isInterlaced=False
    [2016-04-17 19:04:28,863] [Error  ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Failed filter:  not found
    [2016-04-17 19:04:28,871] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Video done
    [2016-04-17 19:04:28,872] [Error  ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Failed filter:  not found
    [2016-04-17 19:04:28,872] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Audio done

    But no clue why, i can see that it's this filter :
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,442] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Video Renderer
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,442] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: madVR
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,443] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Default DirectSound Device
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,443] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Color Space Converter
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,443] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,443] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder
    [2016-04-17 19:04:29,443] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: TsReader

    2 videos renderer in graph ?

    Maybe could be nice to test with LAV Audio/Video :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    When i look into your xml, i can't find the setting for TV Codec section :
    section name="mytv"

    On my xml, i can see the codec, maybe your config is broken ?

    <section name="mytv">
        <entry name="audiocodec">LAV Audio Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="videocodec">LAV Video Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="h264videocodec">LAV Video Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="audiorenderer">Default DirectSound Device</entry>
        <entry name="aacaudiocodec">LAV Audio Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="hideAllChannelsGroup">yes</entry>
        <entry name="showChannelStateIcons">yes</entry>
        <entry name="relaxTsReader">yes</entry>
        <entry name="enableRecNotifier">yes</entry>
        <entry name="enableTvNotifier">no</entry>
        <entry name="notifyTVBefore">300</entry>
        <entry name="notifyTVTimeout">15</entry>
        <entry name="notifybeep">yes</entry>
        <entry name="showEpisodeInfo">3</entry>
        <entry name="filter0">ffdshow Audio Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="group">Freebox TNT</entry>
        <entry name="channel">1 - TF1 (TNT)</entry>
        <entry name="defaultar">Normal</entry>
        <entry name="allowarnormal">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowaroriginal">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowarzoom">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowarzoom149">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowarstretch">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowarnonlinear">yes</entry>
        <entry name="allowarletterbox">yes</entry>
        <entry name="usefilter0">no</entry>
        <entry name="filter1">ffdshow Video Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="teletextHidden">no</entry>
        <entry name="teletextTransparent">no</entry>
        <entry name="teletextRemember">yes</entry>
        <entry name="teletextMaxFontSize">100</entry>
        <entry name="deinterlace">1</entry>
        <entry name="autoturnontv">no</entry>
        <entry name="autofullscreen">no</entry>
        <entry name="byindex">yes</entry>
        <entry name="showchannelnumber">yes</entry>
        <entry name="channelnumbermaxlength">5</entry>
        <entry name="usefilter1">no</entry>
        <entry name="filter2">undefined</entry>
        <entry name="ddplusaudiocodec">LAV Audio Decoder</entry>
        <entry name="continuousScrollGuide">yes</entry>
        <entry name="usefilter2">no</entry>
        <entry name="usequickrecordmenu">no</entry>
        <entry name="quickrecordscheduleorder">Once,Daily,Weekly,EveryTimeOnThisChannel,EveryTimeOnEveryChannel,Weekends,WorkingDays,WeeklyEveryTimeOnThisChannel,SeriesLink</entry>
        <entry name="selectedquickrecordschedules">
        <entry name="filter3">undefined</entry>
        <entry name="usefilter3">no</entry>
        <entry name="confirmTimeshiftStop">no</entry>
        <entry name="useasynctuning">yes</entry>
        <entry name="hidePinProtectedChannelsGroup">no</entry>


    MP Donator
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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    When it happen, does madtrayicon get many MediaPortal instance when doing the right clic on it ?
    i stumblt over it by chance, want to change something and madsettings popup say instance didnt reply properly :(

    2 videos renderer in graph ?
    strange client, something must be broken :D OV works good thx btw. (y)
    odd dtv decoder, clean install
    now on that fresh v40client seems all working again with mad, evr, tv, files and only one stream (y)(y)(y)
    the other damn thing i check back tomorrow;)


    • mdest.png
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    MP Donator
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  • January 24, 2006
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    Italy Italy
    Hey guys,

    after couple of days i can say madVr seems working well, no more GPu memory growing and finally also GPu utilization looks the same of Mpc-HC. Also i noticed all flickering in MP has disappered.
    What i can say....great job :) This is a great improvement!

    to keep testing on everyday environment, is it possible to get a 1.14 MadVr version ? I would like to spread MadVr to Htpc (amd a10) and another client (nvidia).

    Thank you .


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Currently running with V39 with V40 core and the new OV. All looking very good. I had a play with the madvr settings and found some that MP does not seem to like very much, so I think default or recommended settings may be advisable. My setup would only takeNNED13 at 32 neurons (double luma res.) before exceding the max. recommended rendering time (per a madvr guide I found) but it and other settings really give some great video quality improvements, great stuff(y). I will continue testing and report back later in the week.


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Here's a potential issue. Blinded by the wonder of madVR, i have been overlooking the fact that the framerate goes awful during the guide display. There are several dropped frames, even on SD material. Seb do you think there's anything that could improve that? If it's just that madVR + guide is too much for GPU then I could understand, but I don't think my GPU is maxxing at that point (check out my graph on previous page).

    On the subject of playback reliability however, we're another day into MP madVR on the main box and all is well. (y)

    Not as a nag, but to brain dump my remaining issues:
    - Slow guide (might just need to adjust madvr)
    - Guide missing record marker (all versions, confimed)
    - SD 4:3 content showing in top left corner if started, shifted to left if zapped to (logs in earlier post)%3E
    I took a peek at the 'demo' videos I used to use for testing playback back before the days of LAV. Old Samsung and LG demonstrations with pretty scenery and awful music. Every single one of them played flawlessly and looked fantastic. (y)(y)

    A bit of advice for other amateur madVR users - you don't get auto refresh rate until you specify the list in madVR options. I stupidly spent more time than I should troubleshooting that until I actually read the text in the options properly. :rolleyes:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Thanks for the feedback :)
    I have try to do something for TV Guide but no clue for now.

    There is one comment in MP code from Tourettes and if we can fix that maybe it will be better :

    public static bool Render(float timePassed, GUILayers layers)
          bool uiVisible = false;
          if (GUIGraphicsContext.BlankScreen)
            return uiVisible;
          int videoLayer = (int)LayerType.Video;
          if (GUIGraphicsContext.ShowBackground == false)
            if (_layers[videoLayer] != null)
              if (_layers[videoLayer].ShouldRenderLayer())
          int startLayer = 0;
          int endLayer = MAX_LAYERS;
          if (layers == GUILayers.under)
            endLayer = videoLayer - 1;
          else if (layers == GUILayers.over)
            startLayer = videoLayer + 1;
          for (int i = startLayer; i < endLayer; ++i)
            if (_layers[i] != null)
              if (_layers[i].ShouldRenderLayer())
                if (GUIGraphicsContext.ShowBackground == false && i == videoLayer)
                // Currently Osd and Topbar2 layers are always reporting that they should be renderred.
                // It is not 100% clear why that is done (probably just a bug fix done horribly wrong).
                // As a side effet madVR won't be able to use low latency rendering path to make UI
                // more fluid when top bar or video OSD is accessed.
                // TODO: find out why the ugly workaround(?) has been introduced in the past.
                if (videoLayer != i && i != (int)LayerType.Osd && i != (int)LayerType.Topbar2)
                  uiVisible = true;
          return uiVisible;

    So this one :

    // Currently Osd and Topbar2 layers are always reporting that they should be renderred.
    // It is not 100% clear why that is done (probably just a bug fix done horribly wrong).
    // As a side effet madVR won't be able to use low latency rendering path to make UI
    // more fluid when top bar or video OSD is accessed.
    // TODO: find out why the ugly workaround(?) has been introduced in the past.

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