[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (5 Viewers)


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    tried v42 + v43core on singleseat and client,
    runs very nicely on both (y)(y) streams closed properly and exclusive mode works as well :)
    not even tried evr :D thanks to ya good work and efforts :LOL:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    I can notice some crash too here on one of my PC and memory GPU grow up too when testing intensive play of sample.
    It doesn't happen with EVR, so there is something to fix again lol


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    weird igpu seems to run here, but it has problems with some skinmenüs
    lav set to copyback, mad exclusive on and turbo settings ;)
    file playback seems ok but if tv gets switched on first time or the miniguide is on the screen the framerate lags around really badly like before.

    p.s. ov broken?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    About OV didn't retry lol
    Trying to figure out the memory leak, i'm so slow that it take me all my time with not very good result !!! :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    V44, it should fix the crash on stop.
    Maybe we found the culprit about memory GPU growing.
    It seems to be related to OSD call (to display MP GUI), if i disable it, it seems to be on from memory POV.
    Now it's to know why because all seems OK


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Having all sorts of issues with this one. Here's a quick list:

    - DX11 with Exclusive - crash on stop
    - DX11 without Exclusive - crash on start
    - DX11 off with Exclusive - fine
    - DX11 off without Exclusive - fine

    Log attached for v44 with madVR settings DX11 and exclusive mode.

    I need to go back to v43 which is sort of ok. Keep up the good work!


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Now I am very confused (but pleased).

    Looking at the situation in the above post, I considered that the problem could be windowed mode. When in fullscreen, pressing stop takes the video briefly from exclusive to windowed before stopping. When exclusive is switched off altogether, it couldn't start. So I had a look at the windowed settings specifically the 'how many video frames shall be presented in advance'. I lowered this to 4 from my previous setting of 6.

    In MP, suddenly everything is great with DX11 + Exclusive mode, i even have no jerky guide :)

    Just to check, I put it to 6 again, and immediately MP returned to crashing. I'll go check the default '8' in a minute just in case 6 is a bad number :)

    EDIT: FORGOT to mention this happening in v43 too. So the main box is back with the latest!

    EDIT2: 8 does not work for me.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Thanks :)

    Yep i have added part of code to switch from exclusive to windowed on stop, because i notice on my PC without it, on stop madVR windows can stay on TOP of MP GUI (maybe a bug on madVR side but i doubt it lol) so adding that part of code made the madVR windows disappear but it seems you trigger something with the "how many video frames ... " setting :)

    I have added this part of code in V42 too (in fact start from v42).

    Ps : @kenwonders , you can try to clear your event log (you can save it if you want) like this it will take less storage for the export :)

    EDIT 1 : The crash seems to appear in Nvidia 'nvwgf2um.dll' but trigger bu exclusive to windowed when frame need to be done or something.

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