[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (9 Viewers)


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  • January 19, 2007
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    Yes I know what you mean it is very confusing:confused:. Have you seen this guide, http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=259188&pid=2238962#pid2238962
    I found it quite helpfull but still odd things happeno_O as you mentioned, change something and it all goes to pot and won't come back:eek:.
    It's in my bookmarks bar already :) like new whole new world has opened up. To make this post something useful here's some things I've learned from experience but hadn't seen much written about:

    If I set LAV to YADIF software mode, it will deinterlace in CPU before sending to madVR. If I use this and also software video decoding (instead of DXVA copyback) I get a vastly improved picture on interlaced sources. If I leave it to madVR, then the DXVA deinterlacing used not only reduces the amount of extra processing I can do, it looks worse and almost certainly drops frames when MP guide is showing.

    YMMV here, if you have a weaker CPU then perhaps it is not the best option. I do not know why DXVA deinterlacing is not good on my system (GTX960) but I see it with LAV/EVR too.

    Present queue:
    As mentioned before, both windowed and exclusive options should be looked at, as I find great results at 4 frames and MP death at 8. There are mentions of this on the madVR support forum post, so it may not be MP related at all.

    If you do image doubling ( :love: NNEDI3 32 particles luma oh boy I'm getting hot), worry about the downscaler too, Jinc is very expensive but Lancos does the job there well. This can also be part of the MP guide problem, if you look at madVR stats (CtrlJ) while MP guide is showing, you'll see a load of extra filters in play. Get these wrong and it will overload.

    Seb, any news on the issue with 4:3 SD content? I have a workaround, start the TV from the 'Live TV' section, where it can be fullscreened from there.

    Also, would love a new OV to keep the builds on the main system :) You're doing great! (y)(y)(y)[DOUBLEPOST=1461609058][/DOUBLEPOST]
    to get a easy basic concept it's worth testing out the various algoreithm with your main source u like watching the most and pick the one you personaly like best.
    all with madvr stats and gpu-z running. reset mad to default and compare the values and stats, soon you know what kills rendering times and so on.... could write a book on how all this works....:LOL:
    the best resource to start madVR options explained

    madvr scaling rule of thumb: The sharpness of the algorithm used in chroma upscaling section should not exceed the sharpness of the algorithm used in the image upscaling section. It could be the same, but not exceed it.

    btw. actually DX11 is only is only needed for 3d frame-packed and >8bit playback
    happy testing guys^^

    I will be using 3d once this all settles down, uninstalling EventGhost and PowerDVD was particularly satisfying the other day.

    I didn't know that rule of thumb, but I had worked out that chroma upscaling isn't so important as image upscaling so prioritise accordingly.

    I use a really wide range of sources to test, and it's lead me towards profiles. The best quality stable SD TV I can get also causes 720p30 to turn into a slideshow. I want to have both as good as they could be. It's reminding me why I got a HTPC all those years ago (2002!), the chance to get the best possible out of the equipment.
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  • April 3, 2012
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    i use profiles only for a projektor and 3d for more performance

    ....the chance to get the best possible out of the equipment.
    matching link and nice profile example ;)
    Configuration: madVR

    I find great results at 4 frames and MP death at 8. There are mentions of this on the madVR support forum post, so it may not be MP related at all.
    the magic number 6 ^^
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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Seb, any news on the issue with 4:3 SD content? I have a workaround, start the TV from the 'Live TV' section, where it can be fullscreened from there.

    Ah i start it from there you mean this screen ?


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