[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (1 Viewer)


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September 9, 2015
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Depends on the TV but most are bad at upscaling, tried Sony Bravia recently and LG before that but 1080P all looked worse on than it did on a native 1080P screen which was the reason I went back to the W855B and will wait until 4K tech gets better or has more content.
So would let madVR handle the upscaling if you can offload it by the GPU or have enough resources because you have more algorithm choices which your TV lacks due to its limited hardware or just poor implementation.

It will be a new LG 65E6D. I will test it when it arrives but i tend to use MadVR :)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Tried V67 but get a crashing MP when trying to start a video. Again, only tested via VNC-Remote (no audio renderer attached). Watchdog-logs attached.

    Yep it crash on init :

    bei MediaPortal.Player.VMR9Util.MadInit(MediaPortal.Player.IVMR9PresentCallback, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, DirectShowLib.IBaseFilter ByRef)

    So can be VNC related :)
    Maybe you can try to change the screen start detected with VNC from MP config and then try to start MP. (Maybe the screen set in VNC is different thatn the one in real mode :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Tested Build 66 + V67 bins with IPTV and some Recordings and it works already very nice! :) Maybe could be considered for MP 1.16 pre release!

    Only issue I noticed so far is when you switch to window mode (Alt+Enter). Sometimes the video freezes (sound is still okay) but MP doesn't respond anymore and you have to kill it via taskmanager.

    Thanks for all the work! Pretty huge feature! :)

    Can you reproduce with watchdog ? But it's surely linked to loadskin recent change, i notice that it can wait for a return thread that never happen.
    So log will confirm this.

    But in general, madVR alt-enter will not work, the window video will not be resized (maybe in future that can be fixed but need to fix other issue first)


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  • January 7, 2006
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    V66 running perfect here in combination with AtmoLight native, no more lagging and memory remains stable so good job! (y)
    Only thing we need to look at later on is the UI capture part, once it isn't fullscreen madVR sents an invalid image to AtmoLight (mirrored / resized?) but that is less important as video works :)
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  • January 31, 2008
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    I've notice another problem with TV playback on V67.

    All channels HD and SD are slightly cropped on top and bottom. If I see the same program on real TV (Panasonic) no black bars are presented. But same program/channel playback with MadVR, are slightly cropped on top and bottom and black bars presented. So some zooming applied by MadVr even if disabled in MadVr settings.

    All in Normal zoom (MP setting). You can check all zoom modes and see different behaviour (pan and scan or others).

    Edit: MP with EVR happens the same, some crop so maybe not related with MadVr... sorry
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  • January 19, 2007
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    I'm not sure whether it's zooming or just cropping, albeit incorrectly. I did have this gone at some point, I think it related to LAV deinterlacing. I would expect madVR to report a scaler in use if it was zooming out slightly. Also the aspect would be wrong unless you lost bits at the side.


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  • January 19, 2007
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    Actually scratch that, I just did some tests with MPC-HC and it didn't do it there for any setting. I did have MPC-HC crashing all over the shop with SD material though, made me appreciate the MP implementation a bit more :)

    There are 2 places that are different to MP in the MPC-HC madVR diagnostics:
    h264 4:2:0 -> NV12 4:2:0 on MP
    NV12 4:2:0 on MPC-HC

    1920x1080 -> 1920x1070 on MP
    1920x1080 on MPC-HC

    First could be a red herring, the second I don't think so.


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  • January 19, 2007
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    As pictures always help. Here's a comparison with the same file. (it's the same on D3D9)

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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Yep no clue lol (for now) :)
    I'm preparing a V68 bin :

    Fix some deadlock
    1- When changing live skin
    2- When loading loadskin method.

    I think it is better now about video window, i succeed to understand that when a skin file didn't want to display video overlay, MP (in OnProcess method) hide the videowin (the one is used for displaying video and GUI for madVR and only Video for EVR).

    So i adapt the code for madVR to reduce/restore only the video overlay inside videowin so it should act like EVR (at least it does now on my side).

    So need regression testing againt previous build and EVR mode :)

    I didn't change the freeze that we can trigger when releasing OSDService because i'm not sure what happen for now lol

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