[fixed] Mediainfo.dll broken (for me) above ver 0.7.30 (1 Viewer)

Andrew H

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  • September 8, 2007
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    If you're right then it has implications on the Sourceforge site because I'd posted the exact i386 zip files earlier in this thread along with the log entry you are citing. I'm aware MP is 32-bit, I'm running Win-7 32-bit OS and am only using (what I thought were) 32-bit (e.g. i386) files. Even if they were incorrect, how would you explain that pre-0.7.31 work while 0.7.31 and subsequent releases do not?

    I appreciate the observation and I'm sure it was your first impression/gut feel that I had the incorrect dll - as I've explained, would you care to update your position before others begin to discount the validity of this thread?


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  • September 28, 2006
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    sorry but until you have issues loading the dll, is not MP neither MediaInfo bug.

    Please do a "dir /s /a *.* > c:\mp.txt" while inside the MediaPortal dir under Program Files and upload the result.


    Andrew H

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  • September 8, 2007
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    Couldn't figure how to CD into "Program Data" from a Command window so I created Simone.bat with the command line you asked. I'm confused because I loaded the GUI of 0.7.31 and tried to open this file - attached is a screen print of the error message. My assumption is this error message outside of MP is similar to how mediainfo reacts (and appends to error.log) when it's called from inside MP to provide data about the file. Isn't that what the message
    [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: unable to call external DLL - mediainfo (make sure 'MediaInfo.dll' is located in MP root dir.) Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.​
    is telling us? That mediainfo has an "access violation" when called from the GUI and "Attempted to read or write protected memory" when called from MP? Aren't these similar? I'm not understanding how older versions work if not that the newer versions are doing something wrong for these specific files. The 0.7.31 GUI and MP using newer versions both work fine on other files, just not these few.

    I appreciate your looking into this - here are the files:


    • mp.txt
      24.2 KB
    • Popup under 0_7_31.rar
      742.4 KB


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Your issue is something completly different:
    Not sure about this but might be worth checking logs from different user in post 2 of this thread. They are using XP (so 32 bit) and getting the same error with what I believe is the DLL shipped with MP


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  • November 8, 2007
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    Correct, I'm using the M.I. that MP installed, and getting the same error. Clean install straight to RC4.


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  • September 28, 2006
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    I'm not understanding how older versions work if not that the newer versions are doing something wrong for these specific files. The 0.7.31 GUI and MP using newer versions both work fine on other files, just not these few.

    Loading the dll is before loading the file, so should not be specific to the specific files but more all or none...


    Andrew H

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  • September 8, 2007
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    huh? What we're seeing is this error when we try to play specific files - NOT all or none :) I'd feel certain there is an error in the interrogation/algorythm inside the newer mediainfo that is causing this... you've seen the zip files of the i386 packages, are they 32 or 64 bit versions? What were you looking for in the mp.txt request and did it tell you anything?

    I don't want to sound ungrateful, but we're all loading MediaPortal RC4 and look at the issues the users are raising, the bug reports being written and the code being modified... just because a dll can load doesn't mean it performs the correct operations, or in some instances (read specific to a few file types, or conditionally) reads the wrong data and fails to return the intended data. Perhaps this is an issue with mediainfo; but, as long as it's distributed by mediaportal it is a bug for those of us having problems where we didn't used to! Again I'll ask What advantage does MP get, have, or need to use a later version of Mediainfo that some (like myself) are having issue with? In other words, why did the distribution go from 0.7.27 in RC2 to 0.7.31 in RC3/4 and should we be considering reverting back unless there is good reason (now that we're pointing out that 0.7.31 is buggy)???

    Andrew H

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  • September 8, 2007
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    Sorry about the 'huge' 664MB file, it's an RAR named: Mediainfo newer than 730 do not work The King of Queens - 114 - Dog Days - Movie.rar

    I began transferring the same named .ts file and terminated it so if it's on the folder please delete it as it's incomplete. I don't want any confusion about the .ts upload


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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    Sorry about the 'huge' 664MB file, it's an RAR named: Mediainfo newer than 730 do not work The King of Queens - 114 - Dog Days - Movie.rar

    I began transferring the same named .ts file and terminated it so if it's on the folder please delete it as it's incomplete. I don't want any confusion about the .ts upload

    Deleted the .ts file.

    Will download and test with the provided RAR.


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