MediaPortal 1.13 and Windows 10 Crash (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    However he seems that because MP team were not willing to add the feature he gave up on it.
    Hmmm, I don't recall that at all... and I'm pretty sure I'd remember if that had happened. My memory is that he never asked for it to be included. In fact, a quick forum search found an [internal] thread from 2012 where team members were keen to have it included, but he didn't follow up.

    Anyhow, that is his truth. I acknowledge it and am sorry to hear it. He'd be welcome back any time. :)

    Adam86 already found that code. As per my earlier answer: it's incomplete.

    That code seems to provide a mechanism for TV Server to write selected stream info to specified files. Presumably DJBlu used this to get the required feeds of proprietary Freesat and/or Sky info. However, by itself, the mechanism is useless. It doesn't do any of the stuff you care about (grab channel names and numbers, automatically group channels etc.). If I had to guess, it might be about 10 to 20% of the code that I'd expect to find. There must be much much more code somewhere, including other modifications to MediaPortal (eg. the ability to record a series by series link), TV Server (eg. all the Freesat/Sky-specific configuration stuff), and code that parses Freesat and Sky proprietary stream info. If DJBlu can say where that other 80 to 90% of the code is, then (and only then) we might get somewhere.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi, this is my understanding of the situation.
    There must be much much more code somewhere
    The modifications to MP are contained in this branch (there are also other EXP-Custom.Data.Grabber.... branches for older MP versions but I think the modifications are the same)
    I think that the relevant changes are in this commit.

    That code seems to provide a mechanism for TV Server to write selected stream info to specified files. Presumably DJBlu used this to get the required feeds of proprietary Freesat and/or Sky info
    The CustomDataGrabber is used exactly as you describe

    code that parses Freesat and Sky proprietary stream info. If DJBlu can say where that other 80 to 90% of the code is, then (and only then) we might get somewhere.
    These were/are implemented as TVServer plugins but if I remember correctly the source was lost due to a HDD failure, the binaries are still available here. These binaries have continued to work with later versions released by @ears
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Thanks @Brownard

    These were/are implemented as TVServer plugins but if I remember correctly the source was lost due to a HDD failure, the binaries are still available here.
    Hmmm, if we don't have that code then I'd say that would be a deal-breaker for merging. Bugs would be unfixable and it's generally unmaintainable in the long term.
    [edit: ...though in the shorter term it may be possible to produce new custom releases.]

    Are you able to make sense of ears' build instructions?

    He mentions additional DB check code and installer changes. Is that stuff available?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 21, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Are you able to make sense of ears' build instructions?
    In short no ;) but I believe his changes were primarily made to allow the custom version to upgrade existing installations of MP. Previously existing installs had to be removed and the custom version installed from scratch.
    He mentions additional DB check code and installer changes. Is that stuff available?
    I don't think he ever made his changes public , I believe that when upgrading from an official MP release there are some missing column in the DB which ears' code added, if I recall correctly this didn't occur in fresh installs of the custom release, only when trying to upgrade an official install of MP.
    The installer changes were to remove the check that the installer does to not allow upgrades from non official releases of MP, so it became possible to upgrade an existing installation of the custom release.

    Hmmm, if we don't have that code then I'd say that would be a deal-breaker for merging. Bugs would be unfixable and it's generally unmaintainable in the long term.
    [edit: ...though in the shorter term it may be possible to produce new custom releases.]
    I have previously had a look at decompiling the binaries which works reasonably well, I'm willing to offer tentative support for rewriting the plugins from the decompilation if this will help support this making it into an official release.

    I run this build on my main HTPC because it basically gives a 1 click setup of TV, all channels are found, grouped, the correct regional variations of the channels are selected and epg is grabbed. All in under 5 minutes and without any user input :)


    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Guys I just wanted to say thank you for your detailed explanations and input - really fantastic. If we can get this up and running again then that is amazing also and like I say I am happy to pay some contribution towards your work on it. It's a lot of money to switch back to freeview, hardware wise I will need new booster kit and aerial as ditched the old kit when got the sky. Really fanstastic Brownard if you can get this going.

    Thank you - I am with you in this - when it works it makes it amazing - unfortunately we're a bit behind now especially with MP2 coming out. Happy to be testers on this and work together. I and my brother know nothing about code writing etc.

    Is there anything you would like me to ask DjBlu since I managed to get contact from him via Twitter?

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