Yes, you're right. I haven't been exact enough. What I meant is like 'as one can see in some well known sourceforge projects, working on objects and ressources directly is what sooner or later leads to hacks and improvements. These are often made without a big pictured concept and this leads to spaghetti code.' Or something like that. I hope you know what I mean.I have never heard of code that just worked directly with screen controls called "spaghetti code". I always thought that spaghetti code referred to code with complicated execution paths and end points (like spaghetti), such as code involving GOTOs and the like. I understand that working directly with screen controls isn't ideal, but I am not sure what you mean here by "spaghetti code".
It's already making good progress:I have never heard of MediaPortalNG before you mentioned it, and a search bought up an old thread from 07/05 with some graphics from a skin someone was thinking about making. What do you mean by MediaPortalNG (apologies if I have missed something obvious)?
Yes, it's not hyped very well - even administrators aren't aware