Please, can somebody confirm to have this problem also ?
Watching a channel in client - in MyTV; click on "Record Now"; after a while, stop recording by click on "Stop Record".
After this, channel change no more possible; the "Unable to start timeshifting, No free card available" message showed.
In TvServer Config / Manual Control I can see that two TimeShifts of this channel are in progress - one for watching (user: pcname - ok) and other for recording (user: schedulerXX - this should be stopped - but it isn't)... After stopping these by clicks on "Stop TimeShift", MyTV in client is working normally again - as before the manual recording...
Hi zdney.
To help you with this problem it is essential that you post logs. Also it would be very helpful if you enter your system specs in your profile and make it visible to the community. Further details can me found on the first post of this thread.