I had the exact same problem, as well as the TVService contantly crashing. Disabling EPG grabbing fixed it for me too I can post logs if required, but to me it seems there is a problem with EPG grabbingStream stops every so many minutes with this release unfortunately..
both SD&HD (most HD streams/channels won't start actually) and then MP become unresponsive...
starting stopping tv in MP doesn't always help..
I concure the 'use backup'
try this:
Disable EPG grabbing.. and give it a go... ?
If I run EVR my HD channels are not working, but if run VMR9 it works.... ?
All were/are on!
Ive spent a few days on trying to get HD to work.
This is what I found:
With VMR9 enabled some channels work, but often crash, and mostly black screen going back to SD using Cyberlink, not Core or FFD seem to work at all or crashing right away.
Many channels dont work at all (Discovery HD work, not TV4 HD here in sweden, different resolution perhaps).
With EVR nothing works (regardless of Vista settings)
There is two issues in Mantis, one since beginning of July,
I think both those issues are releated to playing HD since the fact that If you start manual control, those channels that sometimes working with VMR9 ALWAYS work with VLC player, no crashing, no issues (while crashing quite often in MP).
The channels that "dont" work, dont work with VLC either (just a few frames, then blank screen), in otherword I suspect TSWriter in that case, and TSReader in the other.
This happens to be just what the issues in Mantis is about too...
Ive given up now, I'll wait for those issues to be adressed...
been there too ..
only way I can get everything to work flawlessly.. (even eurosport HD)..
Is with Core avc 1.7 as codec, and ac3 filter.. *(1.6 doesnt work with eurosport hd)
or core avc and nvidia pure video audio codec.. works fine here too on another client
Do you use those ??