This SVN breaks Cyberdisplay output for Soundgraph Imon VFD, does not work even for "Test Output" within Cyberdisplay
in the blue three wide skin, the skip steps are mangled
if I step through the skins to blue two, I can't get back to blue three. I have to change it in MP Configuration to get back to blue three.
so far this release works very smooth on my side, but I realised the clock isn't anymore in 24h format. Maybe a small Bug? Or did something change in the Config section of MP that I mised? If I just missed something, then sorry for the inappropriate post.
Keep up the fantastic work!
With this SVN the mouse cursor doesn't autohide anymore on my system. Autohide (=moving cursor out of sight) worked very well in last SVNs. But with this SVN the cursor is only invisible while (big) splash is shown and appears in home menu (and all other menus) again. Tried Blue3 and Blue3 wide, no difference.
Mine isn't working here, same problem as Pete [Antec Imon VFD]