Memory Leak Tvservice (3 Viewers)


Retired Team Member
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  • February 2, 2005
    Another days running and another excessive memory usage level (1.3GB)

    Just updated to the SVN 15025 and testing for today.

    To make it clear the servers run 24/7 one runs w2ksp4
    (1GB mem) the other runs xpsp2(4GB mem)


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 2, 2005
    Well seven hours later and the TV service is already using 300K and climbing.

    I also disabled the powerschedular as I thought this may be the problem.

    Logs below


    MP Donator
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  • August 21, 2006
    Home Country
    England England
    Hope this can be sorted out, as I'm about to go tv server root. Well done scidoctor for all the testing


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    SciDoctor; Have u tried disabling EPG grabber entirely ?

    Try and keep TVserver as simple as possible.
    Also does it happen when the client is closed ?



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 2, 2005
    The leak is occuring while the TVSERVICE is idle and the DVB-T EPG grabber is working.

    I monitored this very closly since the last post. During a period of continuous recording and timeshifting the memory usage stayed around 350-400K BUT since it was idle the usage has hit 950K in a few hours.

    During recording or timeshifting the memory use flexes as it should but when this is idle the DVB-T grabber is leaking memory continuously.

    Is it linked with this

    9/06/2007 07:47:46 12 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:48:16 13 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:48:46 12 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:49:16 13 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:49:46 13 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:50:16 13 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:50:46 12 dvb:abort grabbing epg
    29/06/2007 07:51:16 13 dvb:abort grabbing epg

    Which has only started since SVN 14824 which is where I have been ssing this memory leak.

    Iwill try turning off the internal OTA DVB-T grabber (not an xml web grab) and run the service afresh.


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2007
    [TV-Server Version: 14791
    Windows Version: Server 2K3 V5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790
    CPU Type: AMD XP 2GHz
    Memory: 1GB
    Motherboard: MSI KT3 Series
    Motherboard Chipset: Via KT333 / VT8233A
    Motherboard Bios: AMI
    1. TV Card: Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T-500
    1. TV Card Type: DVB-T
    Network speed: 1GB on server, 1GB Switch, 100MB Players
    CVonfiguration: 1 TV Server and 3 Remote Players


    I have exactly the same memory leak issue!
    I have just rebuilt (yet again) my complete TV Server, using both XP & W2K3 Server O/S on separate hard drives to see if this was an O/S related issue.
    Over a period of days my memory usage for TVService fills my available RAM (1GB) until the O/S cant run properly and eventially the machine dies. If I go into the TV Server Management Console and Stop and then Start the service manually it will occasionally clear back to around 30MB RAM, but within a day or two it has filled the RAM again.

    I am only running TV Server on this machine and have uninstalled any unnecessary applications or services (without putting the system at risk).

    There is definately something wrong and I can replicate this with every rebuild and it occurs every day.

    Appart from that (i assume to be unrelated) every 17 seconds my CPU hits 100% and this appears to be related to a very high number of SQL quesies running.

    Any help would be greatfully appreciated.



    Portal Member
    April 22, 2007
    In addition to my post above, I rebuilt my machine last night using MySQL instead of MSSQL and I am still getting the same memory leak issue :(


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2004
    In regard to MYSQL:

    I had sometime problems MS SQL Express using (to my understanding) too much memory, it used up to 500MB. (Of 1GB total RAM available)

    I thought MYSQL is more lean than MS SQL, so I thought to give it a try.

    What is your experience

    Of course this has nothing to do with the memory leak.
    BTW: I thought I disabled EPG grab (as I use TVclickfinder). SO I wonder why observed the memory leak here too (have DVB-C)


    Is any of the devs currently looking into that?


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    In regard to MYSQL:

    I had sometime problems MS SQL Express using (to my understanding) too much memory, it used up to 500MB. (Of 1GB total RAM available)

    MS SQL has an option that can be used to limit the amount of memory its using (for caching etc.).

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