MePo-Green for 0_2_1_0 (4 Viewers)

What font do you like best for MePo?

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  • September 6, 2006
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    Glad it's working for you now.

    Blue tw...what! Never heared about it. This is by far the coolest facelift MP has ever had.

    Keep it up!

    Keep in mind that MePo is just a mod of Blue two. There is a massive amount of work in it that's Boilermakers hard work. i have just dabbled around the edges. :)



    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Glad it's working for you now.

    Keep in mind that MePo is just a mod of Blue two. There is a massive amount of work in it that's Boilermakers hard work. i have just dabbled around the edges. :)


    Hi Glen!

    Sorry Boilermaker! Blue two WAS me fav skin....until...

    But really, what MP needs is a set of standard skins that are always uptodate
    with the release. To many skins just lie there, to no good. contains one working skin and 3 others that do not work anymore.
    and you cant take them away. I tried to remove razor, and MP did not start!
    This is the only critical voices you here about MP. Skin/program/plugin version conflicts!

    My cure!

    - Only 3 skins,,, in 2 versions 4/3,16/9. 100% updated
    - Do not publish a plugin before it's fully supported in the skins
    - Better update/install concept for prog/plugin/skin, pref from inside MP, not setup
    - Validation rouitin that matches version on skin/prog/plugin, pref as a part of update

    And if I could set the standars for skins, it would be
    1. Blue Two (for people who likes blue)
    2. MePo Green (for style and flare)
    3. KIS Black (for it's business stylish look)

    Notice that I did NOT select any MCE clones. MP must have it's own face and to be a clone is always to be 2:nd best. I agree with Frodo that it is important to give MP a "face" that lives on from release to release.

    I really don't know why I posted all this crap to you but I do not know where to
    post them, as they cover such a wide range of topics. Maybe you or someone else
    have more idéas along these lines, would be interesting.

    As always, :D Glen for some great design ontop of boilermakers great function



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 6, 2006
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    Okay, your daily dose...

    MePo wide animated in Black, Grey and Green.

    I have fixed the navigation of the buttons for Karlake
    I have made MePo and the MP logo larger for Karlake too.

    Random other fixes and tweaks. The big thing has been a behind the scenes streamlining of my work flow so these changes can be make more easily and new MePo's aren't too hard to knock out.

    They are listed on the first post of this thread... go get 'em.

    MePo's dad.


    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    A little bug

    Hi Glen!

    Thank's for the 16:9 anim version.
    Found a small bug, The logo on the home screen goes missing after anim stops.

    :sorry: for being such a nag, but I hope I'm helping you perfecting the perfect skin.

    Have a great day!


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 6, 2006
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    Hi Glen!

    Thank's for the 16:9 anim version.
    Found a small bug, The logo on the home screen goes missing after anim stops.

    :sorry: for being such a nag, but I hope I'm helping you perfecting the perfect skin.

    Have a great day!

    Yes, I noted this in an earlier post. I think there is some sort of conflict between the mepo and the logo both being animated, If I change the order of them in the XML file, the logo is fine but the MePo flickers. I'm hoping someone can help me with it.



    Portal Pro
    April 13, 2005
    Vaasa / Sulva
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    Finland Finland
    Okay, your daily dose...

    MePo wide animated in Black, Grey and Green.

    MePo's dad.

    Hi grassynoel,

    Me and my girlfriend like the animations very much ;)

    but, it gets anoying if it goes on continuously. Is it possible to make the animation stop after a few sequences? Just my opininon ;)

    Keep up the good work

    Regards / Tomas


    MP Donator
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  • November 19, 2006
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    Hi Glenn (the insanely busy).
    Last night I found your skin and I've only got to say:
    It's ingenious...! Me, my girlfriend and Media Portal love it.

    Looking forward for more good stuff, man!

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