MePo-Green for 0_2_1_0 (4 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
October 1, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Hi Glen!

Noticed that when I go into "plugin home", it starts with radio (animated) and here the logo works fine. Maybe useful info, I don't know.



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  • September 6, 2006
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    MePo Green 4:3 is up with a bunch of UI changes. I wanted to take out a lot of the blue two remnants and make MePo his own skin entirely. The hard thing is to know what widgets are legacy and not needed any more, and what ones are important. I have stopped the MePo looping endlessly and cleaned up a heap of little errors and omissions.

    Naturally the other colours and the 16:9's will come along after.



    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Getting better and better!

    Comments and views after first run trough.

    • My Music->Now playing - two Mepos in down left corner (same in Radio)
    • Bullits in MePo shape,,,maybe to much
    • When you go in to a choice the MePo is displayed in down left corner, but not in all programs. eg. My Weather, My Music
    • MP logo on Home not anim any more, I know why but don't it give up! It was so nice
    • MP logo now missing on Plugin menu
    • Animations stops after one run - Maybe a bit to strict, could run longer
    • Is it possible to do a natural ending of anim, eg My Weather, Rain stops and MePo folds umbrella.

    You done some great work here.
    :D Glen!



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  • September 6, 2006
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    Getting better and better!

    Comments and views after first run trough.

    • My Music->Now playing - two Mepos in down left corner (same in Radio)
    • Bullits in MePo shape,,,maybe to much
    • When you go in to a choice the MePo is displayed in down left corner, but not in all programs. eg. My Weather, My Music
    • MP logo on Home not anim any more, I know why but don't it give up! It was so nice
    • MP logo now missing on Plugin menu
    • Animations stops after one run - Maybe a bit to strict, could run longer
    • Is it possible to do a natural ending of anim, eg My Weather, Rain stops and MePo folds umbrella.

    You done some great work here.
    :D Glen!


    Beautiful. I will check it all out. The animation coming to a natural rest is something I have been mulling over. My Music particularly bugs me. The question is one of resources. How much animation is too much? I don't weant to bloat the system. Currently the animation on the home page is the same as the animation on the basic page which needs to loop, I wonder if two lots of animation is starting to make the skin too big to download/use without it somehow hogging the system resources. I know little about how MP manages it's memory.

    Thanks for the comments.



    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Beautiful. I will check it all out. The animation coming to a natural rest is something I have been mulling over. My Music particularly bugs me. The question is one of resources. How much animation is too much? I don't weant to bloat the system. Currently the animation on the home page is the same as the animation on the basic page which needs to loop, I wonder if two lots of animation is starting to make the skin too big to download/use without it somehow hogging the system resources. I know little about how MP manages it's memory.

    Thanks for the comments.


    Well Glen

    • How My Music stops? How about MePo stops danceing and presses stop (pause) on his Ipod?
    • How long should the anim be? Well, say 3 loops(about 7sec) is not to much but enough to make something happen.
    • Natural ending? Can't you see it as two different anim, first loop no1 3 times and when that comes to a stop, start anim no2 and run that once?
    Maybe this to complex and CPU intensive, but what do you need the cpu for in the navigasion? Nothing much else going on.

    Have a nice day, downunder!


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  • September 6, 2006
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    My Music->Now playing - two Mepos in down left corner (same in Radio)


    Bullits in MePo shape,,,maybe to much


    [*]When you go in to a choice the MePo is displayed in down left corner, but not in all programs. eg. My Weather, My Music

    Unresolved as I don't mind it like that. Might chase that up later.

    MP logo on Home not anim any more, I know why but don't it give up! It was so nice

    I still have no resolution to the animation popping of business. :(

    MP logo now missing on Plugin menu

    It's back. (that was an error (Typo))

    Animations stops after one run - Maybe a bit to strict, could run longer. Is it possible to do a natural ending of anim, eg My Weather, Rain stops and MePo folds umbrella.

    Unique animation done for MyMusic and MyPlugins. The others loop 2X now.
    Updated on the main page.


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  • September 6, 2006
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    Actually, wait a bit till I re-post. I'm just doing something cool with TVMePo...


    edit* okay, it's there now.. the TV guy has turned out pretty well. I think he might even be my favorite now.



    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Glen!

    Tested the new update and..... :eek: wow!

    The animation ending is real nice.

    Just a couple of small things.

    Animation MP logo is back, is that right?
    Love MyMusic and Plugin endings, real nice!
    My Tv, well,,,I don't know,,,cool,for sure, but it looks a little bit like an animation cock-up. Especially on basic home where you never get to see the reception getting good.
    Could you not instead do an ant war effect, you know, where you just can make out the eyes and at the end it fades into clear view.

    But there is one thing that I’ve been thinking about. Are you planning on an animation for every MePo? Lot of anims! If not, is it good to have a mix of anim/not anim MePos. Not very consistent. I love the anims but,,,, What do you think?

    Your Labrat upNorth



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  • September 6, 2006
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    Yes, I knew there would be a lot of work to do if I made an animated MePo for every icon. The trouble too is that everyone can make their own icons like "My Emulators" and then I'd never finish doing them.

    I'm going to impliment these changes across all the MePo's first and then if I feel like animating the lot of them, the process will be a lot more simple as i have re-structured my work flow to make adding them an easier exercise.



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