my phone support all of this things with hyperterminal...but when i start mediaportal there is no bluetooth connection established. so the phone cant send the incomming call to mediaportal or?
I'm using Mobile Call Monitor v0.3 and it does work with MP 1.1.0a.
boozelclark the Guide.pdf you link to in the first post is not the same as is included in the zip. It looks much older. You might want to update the link.
There's one problem with trying to configure this plugin in Vista. It's trying to write mobilecm.xml to C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal which is not allowed. See screenshot. You should probably save setting files to C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal as other plugins do.
How about some way to see that you phone is connected? Perhaps an icon on the home window (or multiple icons when it's supported )
ya the guide was made with the first version and does look different. the basic set up is the same though so it is still useful.
I currently have a really flaky wireless internet connection where i study so i'm unable to visual studio and hence update the plugin to the new version but i'll try get it from another source and then redo the manual to look like the newest version too.
I'll look into the home screen icon idea, thanks.
Thanks for your feedback and interest in the plugin and i'll fix it up when i get the chance.
hi whit.
I think it is probably something to do with the paths that are used by windows 7 but i'm not 100% sure. I do not have time to fix it now because of exams but afterwards i'll be redoing the plugin and hopefully fixing all the errors. sorry i cant be of more help
I am using Mediaportal 1.0.2 , Windows XP (Spanish).
I am having troubles with this plugin. It seems that the configuration file is not saved, because the log says that the plugin can't find mobilecm.xml file, I have tried to create it in c:\Archivos de programa\Team MediaPortal\Mediaportal, but the plugin configuration doesn't fill the configuration file, now the log error is that it can't open COM0 port (i think that is using default configuration because mobilecm.xml file is empty).
I tried to create c:\Program files\Team MediaPortal\Mediaportal folder, but the plugin doesn't write there the configuration file (I think that there are problems with the environment system variables, or that the script is only compiled to run in english operating systems ) .
Someone could attach the mobilecm.xml file to edit it manually, I don't know the syntax of the file.
Finally I solved it, the configuration file was at c:\ (Root), I copied it to c:\archivos de programa\team mediaportal\mediaportal and now the plugin runs.
I have a question. I am using windows mobile. The at commands seems ok, but not the callerid support.
The plugin is working only when I deactivate CallerID support
Someone is running this plugin with windows mobile, and has CallerID support?