Maybe a dumb question and I think the problem might be quite similar but I cannot find it.
1) I have some movies consisting of two parts (2 MKV files) so I get two times the same movie in the list. How could I make moving pictures to just show 1 and let me play the movie?
2)I have some series of movies. like james bond, stargate, etc. I grouped them in a folder with that name e.g. "Stargate movies"
is there a way I could use MP to only see the higher level first en then dig in to the folder to show the individual others files?
Hi mrbert,
1) You need to rename your movies to something like: [Movie Title] 1.mkv, [Movie Title] 2.mkv. Or if you don't want to rename the files, you can just fix the grouping in the Moving Pictures config. I'm not sure of the exact steps. Also since the 2 movie files are already imported as seperate movies, you will have to select them and choose "Send to Importer", this is possible in the Moving Pictures config again.
2) I know they have already or are working on allowing movie grouping like this. I'm not sure when this will be done. You can always install the "IMDB+" plugin and then it will name movies like: [Group Title] I: [Original Title], [Group Title] II: [Original Title] (It is basically it's core reason for existence). Also RoChess will be implementing the Movie grouping feature in IMDB+ when it becomes available. Remember that after installing this plugin, you will have to "refresh" all your movies to enable IMDB+ to fix the titles. This is very easily accomplish from the IMDB+ GUI in media portal (look under Plugins menu option).
I don't have time to give you exact instructions, but maybe you can do a bit of research on the options I have mentioned to get the necessary details. What you are asking is beginner questions so it has been asked and explained a lot in the forum.