I have a strange problem.
like this picture: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...9-moving-pictures-public-beta-0-5-5c-list.jpg
i mostly don’t have the gray behind the letters
so its hard to read, description, and read title, also when i click one time to see more info on movie, i cant see the text, many times.
its like the CSS, style or what ever is gone. and its just fanart, and letters on top
Is this a known bug? Or is it only me?
Im using skinn: Indego 2.2.. and have copy to the folder the skinn files from Moving Pictures to Indego, skinn folder
Sorry did not see: RoXoR, also has this problem..
Well: RoXoR i to have this issue ;(
look at my post above -> same problem or not?
do you also use rc3?