MP 1.3.x dshowhelper development (3 Viewers)

Pat Clark

Portal Pro
April 25, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
Sorry for being silent lately -- I haven't been getting thread-activity e-mails reliably for some reason.

In any case, and for whatever its worth, in 672 the default settings for the "new" registry entries don't work well for me for 1080i/60. Raising "Scheduler..Priority" to 3 results in smooth graphs. Otherwise, all is well. I haven't used any versions after 667 until now.

You may recall that I set an audio delay to 117ms some time back. Now I can't find the setting -- can anybody remember where that is? The only thing I can find is for ffdshow. I was going to test EnableDWMAudioDelayComp instead.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    LAV audio decoder can also provide audio delay.

    The default settings for the thread priorities are the same as the 'historical' priorities used for all the 'DWM' versions (or should be....)



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  • February 2, 2005
    674 is now on long run testing through to tomorrow afternoon, so far so good.

    Multiple fast switching between different file palyback .TS, BluRay, DVD and MP4/AVi's have so far not frozen or crashed MP:D

    Pat Clark

    Portal Pro
    April 25, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks, Tony, for the LAV Audio suggestion for the delay. A mind is a terrible thing to waste -- I remember finding it "instantly" before, and not at all now. :(

    As for the priority defaults, my test was cursory, so probably not accurate. I've now switched to 674 and will see what happens with a better test.

    Pat Clark

    Portal Pro
    April 25, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    I confirmed that the priority defaults do not work well for me, but that setting scheduler's priority to 3 works well.

    Also, tried using EnableDWMAudioDelayComp instead of LAV's audio delay. It seems to me that EnableDWMAudioDelayComp is still "off" a little, but I can't really tell whether it's ahead or behind. Off just enough to be noticeable.

    I want to mention something else that may be related to dshowhelper. I'm not sure when this began, but it's possibly when this thread started -- the skip functions are quirky! Sometimes the skip is clearly not the amount intended, and sometimes (I swear!!) they appear to go in the wrong direction! A typical sequence: skipping a commercial, I go too far forward (into the program), and skip back less than I skipped forward and find I've gone too far backward. Skip forward again the same amount I skipped backward and still land in the commercial sequence with many seconds left to go. This is not repeatable, but happens frequently. It may be related to comskp running at the same time, but I haven't figured that out -- what would happen if auto-skip was enabled and the skip-file happened to be updated while being used? I never noticed any such effect before -- only recently.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    dshowhelper doesn't have anything directly to do with skipping (seeking) around a file - that's basically down to the MP player code and the file source/splitter filter in use (which is for live/recorded TV). I've no idea what effect comskip might have on that - I don't use it.

    It doesn't really matter what the thread priorities are, as long as they work for you :) (I have checked the defaults - they are as intended)



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  • February 2, 2005
    I have had NO problems with 674 and I have thrown a lot at it.
    Many thanks

    On the ATI HD7750 ( hdmi output 1920x1200) it adds just that final bit of smoothness especially to horizontal scrolling text that makes the viewing experience superb on all formats.

    On the OB ATI HD 4200 which had been a failure until I used this I can now have good to above average performance upto output of hdmi of 1366x768 (720p output no problem; 1000p output problems start ie dropped frames.) 1440x900 quite possibly would have worked but the 12.6 legacy drivers didn't have this option.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    I have had NO problems with 674 and I have thrown a lot at it.
    Many thanks

    On the ATI HD7750 ( hdmi output 1920x1200) it adds just that final bit of smoothness especially to horizontal scrolling text that makes the viewing experience superb on all formats.

    On the OB ATI HD 4200 which had been a failure until I used this I can now have good to above average performance upto output of hdmi of 1366x768 (720p output no problem; 1000p output problems start ie dropped frames.) 1440x900 quite possibly would have worked but the 12.6 legacy drivers didn't have this option.

    Good :)

    I've just added v675 to the first page, but this is a small update from v674 so hopefully it won't introduce any regressions compared to that version.


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