Still no crash?
No, not at all.Did you spot something in the logs that gave you cause for concern?
Great.Still working perfectly,
I'd prefer it if you rolled back to a standard MP 1.16 PR (ie. remove the patch I provided) first for half a week or so and see how that goes. In my opinion it's very possible that your problems were solved by the MP1-4838 fix which is in my patch (and will also be in MP 1.16 final) but is not in MP 1.16 PR or the madVR branch.I will upgrade with the Madvr test branch again and report back on that thread in the event the problem reoccurs.
This is what I was expecting. I was pretty sure the lack of crashes had nothing to do with the clean install and everything to do with either madVR or my patch.MP crashed.
Yes and this point I guess I will have to go back to std 1.16pr because your patches I assume are not compatible with the Madvr branch
Don't hold off any longer.I will hold off doing a fresh install of 1.16pr pending your review of the logs and any further advice.