Logo Mapping Updater utility
to use by logo pack maintainers for LogoManager plugin for MediaPortal (www.team-mediaportal.com)
Useful when you have XML file with TVServer channel export
and want to check missing mappings in LogoMapping XML file.
REQUIRES export.xml and LogoMapping.xml files in same directory.
Just run LogoMappingUpdater without parameters
and it will generate diff.xml file with channel names,
that are present in export.xml, but missing in LogoMapping.xml.
Names will be compared with trimmed spaces and case-insensitive.
hmm, das hab ich gar nicht getestet. Sollte aber gehen. Wenn nicht - melde dich mitm BeispielSonderzeichen funktionieren jetzt auch, stimmt das?
<Item Name="SRF 2">
<Provider>UPC Cablecom</Provider>
<Item Name="Radio SRF 2 Kultur">
<Provider>UPC Cablecom</Provider>
<Item Name="SRF 2 Kultur">
<File>SRF 2.png</File>