[MP1.11 TV Server] Can't scan Fritz! DVB-C Wlan Repeater M3U (2 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
February 26, 2014
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Rebooting both did the trick.. It's scanning the channels now. I'll check if I can actually watch any channels tonight and get back.


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    I've doubled the buffersize to 65536 and nr. of buffers to 16 giving me about a gb of bufferspace.

    Currently I'm doing this over a teamviewer remote session from the office so I can't really tell if the channels from my Anysee N7 are running smoothly for sure (but it looks like it). I can test this tonight.

    It's just weird that now I'm back on the old filter, I can't scan the channels on the Fritz network tuner anymore where I was able to do that before with this filter. That made me doubt which filter I was using.

    Kay? How does this work?
    I've installed the
    \244808_Neuer_ZIP-komprimierter_Ordner\SatIp.UI.Setup\bin\x64\Debug\en-us\SatIp.UI.Setup.msi and I can open the tool (some streams on the left and windows media player plugin on the right).
    How do I set this up and whats the connection with MediaPortal?

    my Tools are breakdown Tools
    for testing

    you Need LAV Directshow filters installed
    you must allow WMP to communicate the Firewall ( use the right one if you run on x64 System )

    for your dvbc Setup must you replace my Playlist with your Playlist (ProgramData -> SatIp.UI.Player )


    Portal Pro
    February 26, 2014
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Some of my channels are mistakenly detected as radio channels even though I have my RadioWebstream card disabled and the rest of the channelnames are all mixed up and doubles. Should I just go manually add them?
    Even though the new channels scan correctly, I can not preview them or use timeshift through manual control. No PMT found is what I get.
    I did this test after rebooting both the server and the Fritz. I do see there is activity on DVBC in the Fritz interface when I try to tune to a channel.
    Here's the logs again. I've tried 2 different channels.


    Portal Pro
    February 26, 2014
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    And with the old filter.. the choppiness is back too. It seems to be more choppy with HD channels. I did not have any choppiness with the new filter.
    Log attached.


    Portal Pro
    February 26, 2014
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Man.. I messed up yesterday. Installed the ArgusTV server and plugin, just to find out it doesn't support IPTV. Had to restore my server from backup to get the tv working again.
    I'm now back on the new filter again, but is there anything you'd like me to test mm or georgius?

    Since vodserver did not really work so well with my rtsp streams, would it be an idea to fiddle with this old plug in/wrapper? My machine is a AMD FX6300 with 8GB ram so it should be powerful enough right?

    edit: VLC wrapper does not work with 1.11

    I messed with onlinevideos plugin and it does play the streams albeit after 60 seconds :-S
    Maybe that's the reason the tv-server can't scan the channels properly with the new filter Gregorius?
    The Onlinevideos log is empty so how is it that it takes so long to start playing the stream?
    Asked in Onlinevideos forum as well, but I think there may be a link:
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • July 18, 2006
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    alternatives that sat>ip supports

    dvbviewer dvbs dvbc dvbt
    progdvb only dvbs
    nextpvr at time dvbs but maybe dvbc too can there Sub ask for it
    watchtv pro dvbc dvbt dvbs
    my Tools dvbt dvbs dvbc (dvbt and dvbc are untested)

    Argustv would i Dot-I help but he wont it


    Portal Pro
    February 26, 2014
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Hi Kay, What is your tool supposed to do? I can run it and I see my playlist, but nothing plays.
    (feel free to respond in German if that's your native tongue, I'm from Holland and I can read German).

    Of the tools you mention, there is only Argus TV (and DVBLink but you did not mention that) that can interact with MediaPortal tv-server and only DVBLink has DVBIP support (if you pay for the right version). So I'm kinda stuck with MediaPortal TV-Server, since Kodi has no timeshifting.
    I still prefer MediaPortal Client over Kodi too.


    Portal Pro
    February 26, 2014
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Apparently Fritz does not use the standard SAT>IPTV protocol.
    Still cannot scan these channels in MePo (1.12 now) without using my modded VodServer to transcode on the fly..
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