Hello Tony yes subitles are enabled for me, and the blue dump happens sporadicly.
im gonna sit down and test it a bit more during the day and se if i can hit the blue dump and figure out what is going on.
will get back to you on this asap. (hope it gets triggered soon)
You can remove the "auto reboot" after a blue screen, so you will see easily what the problem was. Also check for a minidump or a full dump with windbg so you can get the exe/dll/driver name that caused the issue.
just in case you like to read by a user interface without installing all the MS SDK and other unuseful stuffs, may i suggest to read the dumps this very simple but awesome free software Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files.
To debug a dump you just need to install windbg, that is a debugger with user interface: Download and Install Debugging Tools for Windows