MP1 EVR Presenter/dshowhelper community development (5 Viewers)


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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    Hello Tony yes subitles are enabled for me, and the blue dump happens sporadicly.
    im gonna sit down and test it a bit more during the day and se if i can hit the blue dump and figure out what is going on.

    will get back to you on this asap. (hope it gets triggered soon)

    You can remove the "auto reboot" after a blue screen, so you will see easily what the problem was. Also check for a minidump or a full dump with windbg so you can get the exe/dll/driver name that caused the issue.


    just in case you like to read by a user interface without installing all the MS SDK and other unuseful stuffs, may i suggest to read the dumps this very simple but awesome free software Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files.


    To debug a dump you just need to install windbg, that is a debugger with user interface: Download and Install Debugging Tools for Windows



    MP Donator
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  • January 28, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    okay, ive been digging around the dump files, and made quite some testing and with the 87 one it crashes nvlddmkm.sys with an access violation.
    i have tested the memory etc to make sure its not hardware related, but then again why would it when its been working perfectly with all the other dshowhelper (just made some tests to rule it out). the 88 version seems to work flawlessly from that little time that i have been testing it (45min and counting).

    attached a dxdiag info file and a nvidia sysinfo log if thats to any help.

    other files that might be affected aswell according to dump file.

    dxgkrnl.sys dxgkrnl.sys+206eba8 0x96a58000 0x96b0f000 0x000b7000 0x4ce78ffe 2010-11-20 11:08:14
    dxgmms1.sys dxgmms1.sys+1fb7c64 0x96b0f000 0x96b48000 0x00039000 0x4d4a24c1 2011-02-03 05:45:05
    ntkrnlpa.exe ntkrnlpa.exe+15e70d90 0x82c56000 0x83068000 0x00412000 0x4d9fd753 2011-04-09 05:49:39
    nvlddmkm.sys nvlddmkm.sys+2fd955 0x96027000 0x96a54000 0x00a2d000 0x4dd73a6b 2011-05-21 06:07:07

    Hope this helps in some way, but for me it seems that 88 build is working propperly (its a bit hard to test since the bsod just came up randomly and on only some channels, namely the PPV channels in the swedish COMHEM network.)

    if something more happens i will post as it goes.



    • DxDiag.txt
      35.1 KB
    • NVIDIA System Information 08-02-2011 21-02-56.txt
      3.8 KB


    Portal Pro
    May 6, 2009
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi, FYI v88 work perfectly for me (TV & MKV).
    Note that if you use SAF 6, you should try to download standalone_filters on and register the matroska filter , then disable MKV in LAV filter (or use priority if you prefer), you will have a perfect flat line without drops or stutters. I join my actual MKV test filter with install/uninstall scripts. FYI also, I use the last ffdshow icl12 (not dxa because I use somes processings on video) witch is 20% faster on Intel processors (installed on another computer then replace the ffdshow SAF6 files on the htpc), the standard direct sound output and LAV decoders for sound processing (bypass on DTS & AC3).

    Conclusion is that v88 is perfect if filters and decoders are also.




    MP Donator
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  • January 24, 2006
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    Italy Italy
    pity , that matroska ( i suppose you mean haali splitter ) have many problem with hd audio tracks........ and many others with several mkvs..... :(

    and more, how can you archive to get so flatter lines using a 50 fps on 60 hz ? that seems quite unusual to me


    Portal Pro
    May 6, 2009
    Home Country
    France France
    No it's not the haali splitter, it's a part of Media player home cinema ;-) I let you make your choice between differents problems/Quality of differents filters, my post is here to say that I think that the v88 is perfect and that if you have problems you can also see filters.

    It make me a long time to have flat lines like this, my computer is optimized, task priority, memory also. The movie you see is strored on a Ubuntu LTS server, the network is also fast (2 switchs HP ProCurve 1810G - 8). Only MP run, explorer.exe killed, etc, etc.... I generaly don't speak of my optimisations because you can have no endding discussions on every point.


    MP Donator
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  • March 18, 2009
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hi, FYI v88 work perfectly for me (TV & MKV).
    Note that if you use SAF 6, you should try to download standalone_filters on and register the matroska filter , then disable MKV in LAV filter (or use priority if you prefer), you will have a perfect flat line without drops or stutters. I join my actual MKV test filter with install/uninstall scripts. FYI also, I use the last ffdshow icl12 (not dxa because I use somes processings on video) witch is 20% faster on Intel processors (installed on another computer then replace the ffdshow SAF6 files on the htpc), the standard direct sound output and LAV decoders for sound processing (bypass on DTS & AC3).

    Conclusion is that v88 is perfect if filters ans decoders are also.

    View attachment 86194
    this is a 25hz, 23.976 are a little less flat but also without any default.


    by the screen seems that you are using a different refresh rate..60hz for 25fps, are you using an audio render?


    MP Donator
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  • January 24, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    No it's not the haali splitter, it's a part of Media player home cinema ;-) I let you make your choice between differents problems/Quality of differents filters, my post is here to say that I think that the v88 is perfect and that if you have problems you can also see filters.

    It make me a long time to have flat lines like this, my computer is optimized, task priority, memory also. The movie you see is strored on a Ubuntu LTS server, the network is also fast (2 switchs HP ProCurve 1810G - 8). Only MP run, explorer.exe killed, etc, etc.... I generaly don't speak of my optimisation because you can have no endding discussions on every point.
    Technick - mon PCHC
    Optimiser Windows 7 pour Mediaportal

    ah ok , so i totally disagree with your point......

    usually testing should be done with standard windows installation to be consistent, testing software with special or custom SO
    installation/configuration should be deprecatd and it shouldn't be considered for bugfixing.
    I'm not saying you can't optimize your system, but just tests have to be done with standard systems.

    bye ;)


    Portal Pro
    May 6, 2009
    Home Country
    France France
    Not a problem, it was one of the answers I wait, but it can also help some more advanced users (I hope) :)

    PS : Do you think that you will can have a perfect media-center with a word processing computer ? Do you think that the popcorn system has never been optimized ? My opinion is that if you want a dedicated htpc you need to modify system settings, if not, you need to make compromises... The others way is that the software made the optimizations for you, but in this case you need to know what to do.


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Salut Technik,

    You mean that before optimize system it didn't work correctly ?
    I know that recently i get some stutter and red line are not flat, it seems happen after changing my video card from ATI5770 to Nvidia460.
    But in the same time i have setup reclock to get WASAPI PCM sound with LAVAudio.

    Because and i try to find why, LAVAudio in BITSTREAM mode can crash MP (memory leak or something else).
    I have to make test again and can try matroska splitter to see how it does.

    Also, Tony, i will post log to see if you can find where these stutter comes.

    How describe my stutter, it's not always @ the same time, i.e if i get it @ 15seconds of movie, i back 5 seconds and didn't get it.
    Also refresh rate match movie FPS 23.9/24/50/59 on my VP.

    I don't really why it happen but seems related to Nvidia.
    I have try on version 88 and i have the same.

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