MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 6, 2005
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Netherlands Netherlands
MrSensitive said:
Yes, but the treeview data has to go in RAM, and most pda's only have 64 of it (mine has 32..)

Mine got 128 of it :D Where can I get a copy? ;)


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
With the problem of the data taking too long to load, why don't you break the data down to alphabetical categories and then only load a particular category when its requested (then cache it if needed)? This would be similar to how the contacts app works.


--artists beginning with the letter a...
--artists beginning with the letter b...

Alternatively, you can do the caching in an SQL CE database, which would reduce RAM usage.



Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
That's exactly what I'm doing now..
load up all Artists, and when the user selects an artist, I load all albums for tha artist.. after a while, the treeview will be populated completely..

I'm not going into SQL just yet..

Boelshit, this version can be downloaded in the first post..


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Ah, I thought you could read off a file. If you had the info at least on a local file, you could read it faster as needed.

A very similar program that I've played around is This uses WMP and has issues with shutdowns, your plugin for MP looks to exceed it soon. The guy does mention you could request source, if that might help you.


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
I never heard of that app, it looks intersting..
I sent him a mail rtequestung for the source..

most of the wait time is because of populating the treeview, i did some tests on my production machine and the server returns 212 artists in less than a second, my treeview is working for two to three seconds getting this data in there..

anyway, the treeview acts as a cache, when you keep MPBlue running, eventually you have a copy of the entire musicDB.

My concerns about mem usage where a bit over the top.. it turns out that MPBlue is using around 2 MB instead of 11...


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Hope he can back to you with some useful info, that program loads in similar fashion but is a lot faster, it downloads the cache when you select but I think loads submenus at the same time.

I tested mpblue out while my computer was not being bogged down. I got the main (artist or album) lists in less than 30 seconds. Iss was in artist view, every time I clicked a new artist, pda would freeze (and MP would get very sluggish responding) for 35-55 seconds while loading the album info.

Virtually everything else seems to work fine. I shortened down the settings entry by typing my computer name vs ip (that really needs to be cached) and now that I know to click the icon to select the album before holding down to select play, plays automatically, now playing populates immediately, controls work fine.

If there was a local cache on the pda that had a duplicate of all names on (artist and album, and I suppose eventually genre, years, all other sort views) then as long as the list matched the server I would assume navigation would be a lot faster. You would still have to load into cache everythime the program starts, but now you're loading inside the pda, not over the network. Maybe a low priority task that is constantly updating the database while running (but not impacting performance) or maybe a separate button to update the pda database. Hell, I'd be happy transfering a cache file built on the MP server using activesync occasionally, that would be quickest.

Of course, the path of least effort is preferred, I understand the concepts but don't know how to do any of that stuff sadly.

Anyway, keep up the good work, let me know what I can do. Other thoughts, shuffle button, volume, back button on controls. Tell me if I am being too pesky.


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
30 seconds :shock:

how many items do you have in your database?

I'm working on code to save the settings.. but I really just wanted to get a release out..

if the system has matured a bit, then I wil look into a local cache.. but for now, i want to improve on the features first..

somewhere along the way I have to switch to Compact framework 2.0..(when I got the funds to buy a 2003 or WM5.0 device..)

Volume ,shuffle and back buttons are just a matter of adding buttons into the skin and define actions for it..
If you have some knowledge of XML, you can open the default.xml file, and add those yourself.. (i think the structure is fairly straightforward..)

I really want this application to be highly customizable..
eventually talking to Girder etc..

but jeezez, 30 seconds???? I have no clue about what is going on here..
once the info is loading into the pda, all requests on the server should be I don't understand why MP behaves sluggish during that time..

I'll continue development on this.. (since I have one fan already 8) )


Portal Member
November 14, 2005

if you could help me with what the communications protocol looks like I could most probably make a NetRemote plugin/script for MPBlue. I personally run NetRemote and would prefer not to have another software on my PDA just to control MP in a good fashion.

Also, if you're interested we could discuss making a proper NetRemote plugin, I noticed your biggest issue the SDK is in C++, but I'm sure I can convince Ben (the author of NR) to help us out.


Promixis Developer


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
about 13,000 songs - might be the reason for the delay

I might know enough about XML to play with it, I'll give it a shot and if successful post the new file. Is there a good reference that lists the MP commands to associate with the buttons? (I'll look but in case you know off hand) how about editting the now playing screen?

I'm a big fan of girder, since I have it. Not interested in buying netremote, already spent enough on programs for now.

THe 30 seconds happens with every click of artist (about 900 of them) as it gets album data. This is even though the album view is already populated.

Yes, I am your biggest fan, I've been looking for a good end all remote for MP since I've been using webamp for winamp, and recently the media controller I linked for you, I really want to consolidate it down to only MP for music. If I could use this to setup video playlists or even control a picture slideshow even better. I assume your vision of weather is local display on the pda as well. Hell, I could see throwing in a keyboard for text entry, wonder if we could use the touchpad to control the mouse, replace my xronox controller (ok, reaching again)

Oh, the media control also shows the album art for the artist, that might be more complicated, another cool feature I think would be to have it show lyrics if present, maybe on a sub page. I just spent an excruciating couple of weeks updating my library with lyrics and album art (thanks Zortam) and adding years (manually) for sorting purposes.

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