MPstandbyHandler (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
February 9, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Stopping & Startting TVService

Hey Josch.hh
please disregard last post, I had been stupid!

I would still really appreciate some help.

I have a clean XP Pro build, MP1.0 TVServer single seat setup with a Hauppauge USB2 DVB-T tuner.
The machine will go into hibernation fine, it will also wake up fine but won't connect to channels unless I restart the service.
Your software seems perfect for my needs but I am unable to make it work.
The test standby & resume work fine from the GUI but not when hibernating/waking.

Thank you for taking the time to look


Portal Member
December 13, 2008

I'm still having some problems with standby which I hope you might be able to help with. Am running Win Nova T 500 PCI card.

What I'm finding is that the PC will go into standby fine but doesn't wakeup to record programmes which are scheduled and also there are times when waking up and going to TV that it can't find the tvserver (even though I'm running single seat).

Does the TVService need to be running when going into standby to enable programmes to record?

Any thoughts?

Settings I have are as follows:

Powerscheduler installed with settings on TV Server configuration as follows:

General: shutdown after 2 minutes; wakeup server for various wakeup events (ticked)
Advanced: Nothing ticked
EPG: Prevent standby when grabbing EPG (ticked), wakeup for EPG grabbing at 02:00
Processes: SetupTV, Configuration, PowerDVD, MCEBuddy
Network monitor: off

Powerscheduler installed with settings in MP Config:

General: shutdown after 2 minutes; wakeup server for various wakeup events (ticked)
Only allow standby when on home window (ticked)
Nothing ticked on advanced

Knowing about the issues with the Nova T 500 card, delay in seconds before TVServer detects card is set to 20sec.

I've also got MPStandbyHandler running with settings as follows:

Common: autostart userspace executable and show splashscreen are both ticked
Resume: TVServiceStart: Reboot allowed (false), delay (10), timeout (20); MediaPortalStart: Reboot allowed (false), delay (10), timeout (20), setfocus (true), alwaysstart (false)
Suspend: MediaPortalStop: Reboot allowed (false), delay (0), timeout (20), killimmediately (false); TvServiceStop: Reboot allowed (false), delay (0), timeout (20), killimmediately (false)

Finally, due to issues when restarting out of S3, I've installed the workaround to fix MediaPortal freezing on resume (which is ticked in MP Config) available here:

Other general settings in MP Config are:

-Autostart MP on Windows startup: ticked
- Turn off monitor when blanking screen: unticked
- Turn monitor / tv on when resuming from standby: ticked
- Allow S3 standby although wakeup devices are present: ticked
- Restart MP on resume: unticked

Windows power settings are off.

Any thoughts much appreciated.


Portal Member
December 13, 2008

I'll try your settings without MPSH.

Connected via LAN to a router which then wiressly connects to other equipment i.e. laptops etc around the house. Is the loopback fix just for meant for wireless connections?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    it can be used for anything that might lose connection, lan's are usually fine unless they are deliberately disconnected by the user, ie router switch off.


    MP Donator
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  • June 23, 2008
    I'm using MPSH since the beta 1... all seems to work fine, but if the pc resume itself to make a recording the screens doen't switch on (this is ok) and i get an error from user module....
    Is there a way to force to switch on the screen?
    Thank you


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  • November 30, 2007
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    No HardwareDevice in dropdown


    on my Vista64 the dropdown of "HardwareDevice" in "HardwareDeviceRestart" on Resume and Standby is empty. Is this a known issue?




    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2006
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    Finland Finland
    only when I go to the HTPC and move the mouse, the htpc continues his work and start mediaportal. THis problem I also had with DVB-Viewer a year ago. it must be a HTPC - Problem, not an Meidaportal-problem.

    Having exactly the same problem here, machine wakes up to the desktop, I need to nudge the mouse (usually not connected) to kickstart the mediaportal reload.


    EDIT:- I have only a client setup, so the 1.10 version is enough for me.



    I'm trying to start an external command on resume, which does not work. After pressing the power button, the splash screen comes up and says the external command is executed, but nothing happens.

    It does work though when I hit "Test Resume" in the Gui Log tab.

    Here's the log:

    23.02.2009 13:59:49 - INFO Settings Load - Loading settings from C:\ProgramData\MPstandbyHandler\MPstandbyHandlerUtils.xml
    23.02.2009 13:59:49 - INFO Version
    23.02.2009 13:59:49 - INFO System Start
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO System PowerEvent: Suspend
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO OnSuspend
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loading SUSPEND jobs from C:\ProgramData\MPstandbyHandler\Jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG Job Load - Job MediaportalStop has 6 properties
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO Job Load - Loaded SUSPEND job MediaportalStop
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG Job Load - Job TVServiceStop has 6 properties
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO Job Load - Loaded SUSPEND job TVServiceStop
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loaded 2 SUSPEND jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loading RESUME jobs from C:\ProgramData\MPstandbyHandler\Jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG Job Load - Job ExternalCommand has 5 properties
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO Job Load - Loaded RESUME job ExternalCommand
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loaded 1 RESUME jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:23 - INFO RemoteClient - Sending: JOB==SUSPEND_000_MediaportalStop
    23.02.2009 14:00:24 - DEBUG Message: 0
    23.02.2009 14:00:24 - INFO RemoteClient - Server returned command JOB==SUSPEND_000_MediaportalStop successfully identified
    23.02.2009 14:00:24 - INFO Process Stop - Trying to KILL TvService (20s) (id:3312)
    23.02.2009 14:00:24 - INFO Process Stop - Successfully terminated TvService (id:3312)
    23.02.2009 14:00:24 - INFO OnSuspend - Done
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO System PowerEvent: ResumeSuspend
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO OnResume
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loading RESUME jobs from C:\ProgramData\MPstandbyHandler\Jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - DEBUG Job Load - Job ExternalCommand has 5 properties
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO Job Load - Loaded RESUME job ExternalCommand
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - DEBUG JobTools Load - Loaded 1 RESUME jobs
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO RemoteClient - Sending: SPLASH==Running ExternalCommand
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - DEBUG Message: 0
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO RemoteClient - Server returned command SPLASH==Running ExternalCommand successfully identified
    23.02.2009 14:00:46 - INFO ExternalCommand - Delaying for 3s
    23.02.2009 14:00:47 - INFO System PowerEvent: ResumeAutomatic
    23.02.2009 14:00:47 - INFO OnResume - Already resuming
    23.02.2009 14:00:50 - INFO Command Start - Starting (20s): C:\my_bat\resume.bat
    23.02.2009 14:01:07 - INFO OnResume - Done

    Please see My System on the left for my configuration. Let me know if you neeed further information.



    MP Donator
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  • December 27, 2007
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    I would like to say great pluggin but as I am on Vista64 it has given me no amount of trouble.
    My system has the Hauppage Nova T500 card and an S2 card in there and I was having trouble getting them to re initialise after a resume from sleep.
    I installed your MPSH to see if I could get things to work. I to had the problem of no hardware shown in the drop down menu. I put the HTPC to sleep and woke it up. It skipped my hardware reinitialise as obviously I hadn't selected any. It seemed to be doing what was required.
    I then did a full power down of the HTPC to do a hardware reset. After the HTPC was powered back up again everything then went haywire??

    The HTPC kept going into sleep for no reason whatsoever. I had put it on to transfer some files to it across the network. By the time I went from my front room to my back room to send the files it had gone to sleep???? So I woke it up and tried to have a look to see what was going on. Whilst I was browsing it went into sleep on its own ????
    I brought it back up and this just kept on happening. I noticed the yellow MPSH icon in the tray so exited it. No more shutting down. I then went to uninstall MPSH from its own uninstaller that comes with it. After a reboot MPSH was back??? I went to the uninstaller again but it said that it couldn't uninstall it as some components were missing??

    I had my settings in MPSH as per Paranoid Delusion's settings earlier in this thread. I also had the power sheduler pluggin set up in TVserver.

    Is it possible for me to manually uninstall the MPSH as it is wreaking havoc on my system right now

    PS I tried reinstalling MPSH to rectify the missing files. I then uninstalled again, to which it said that it was successful. Restarted and MPSH was running in the system tray again??

    Any help appreciated here



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