If MP itself doesn't really build a music DB, what is the 25 MB file, MusicDatabaseV10.db3, that MP spent a long time building when I told it to scan my music shares?1. it does build its own list, and it checks the ID3 info for each file, and thats why its taking so long to load. MP itself does not really build a database for us to tap into, it uses file navigation while you navigate. It is the way the core of the UPnP framework that was used works, and changing that will just be to much work. I might disable ID3 info gathering maybe. I have my mp3 collection all nicely setup using a special file name convetnion so that when I just replace _ with spaces it has all info aswell, so I may add an option for that, and that will dramaticly reduce the loading time.
Actually, I did have different names for the computer and for the UPnP share. Next time I will try naming them the same.2. Thats odd, I never had such problems, so I am afraid I can not be of any assistence there. Try using a different UPnP broadcast name then your computer name, maybey they conflict.
I waited a couple of hours in vain for MP's GUI to show up. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it on the UPnP side. Obviously there is something worng with the External Display plugin.3. I do not have an external display setup, so I have no test possibilities for that, however that does sound weird. Maybe its the long loading time, and you just have to wait longer before MP shows up on that screen?
1. mmm, ill give that a look. Never seen that before It may be worth trying to use it.Hi, Kaoh,
Thanks for the quick response!
If MP itself doesn't really build a music DB, what is the 25 MB file, MusicDatabaseV10.db3, that MP spent a long time building when I told it to scan my music shares?1. it does build its own list, and it checks the ID3 info for each file, and thats why its taking so long to load. MP itself does not really build a database for us to tap into, it uses file navigation while you navigate. It is the way the core of the UPnP framework that was used works, and changing that will just be to much work. I might disable ID3 info gathering maybe. I have my mp3 collection all nicely setup using a special file name convetnion so that when I just replace _ with spaces it has all info aswell, so I may add an option for that, and that will dramaticly reduce the loading time.
Actually, I did have different names for the computer and for the UPnP share. Next time I will try naming them the same.2. Thats odd, I never had such problems, so I am afraid I can not be of any assistence there. Try using a different UPnP broadcast name then your computer name, maybey they conflict.
I waited a couple of hours in vain for MP's GUI to show up. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it on the UPnP side. Obviously there is something worng with the External Display plugin.3. I do not have an external display setup, so I have no test possibilities for that, however that does sound weird. Maybe its the long loading time, and you just have to wait longer before MP shows up on that screen?
again for all your great work on this project.